Page 78 of Where We Ended
Rose Ridge was only a twenty-minute drive, and the entire ride over, I justified my actions with the idea that I was spending time with my husband’s family.
Once I had parked in the asphalt lot of the grocery store, I pulled up my phone and called Alec.
He answered on the third ring.
“Alec…it’s me, Natty.”
He paused, then let out a small chuckle. “You coming to see me for Christmas, Artie?”
I hated that fucking nickname.
“You offered, didn’t you?” I snapped, feeling torn and annoyed with myself. Why couldn’t I just be strong and spend tonight alone. I could hide from Dirk. But the idea of hiding in the wardrobe on Christmas wasn’t appealing.
“Just texted you the address.”
I hung up, took a shuddery breath and began navigating toward the house. It was a simple cabin on the river, with smoke coming out of a brick chimney. The sky was white, flakes of snow blew against my face as I slammed the car door shut and trudged up the rickety steps.
The door opened before I could knock, and Alec stepped aside, welcoming me in.
The house was warm, so I shed my jacket and shoes. The foyer was miniscule and quickly led to where a round table sat with two chairs. Off to the side was an L-shaped kitchen, with linoleum along the floors and Formica counters. The living room had green shag carpeting and two armchairs that faced a large hearth with a roaring fire inside.
Alec wore white socks, threadbare jeans and a simple white shirt. His hair was wet from a recent shower, and his face was freshly shaven. His smile was familiar and stretched along his firm jawline. I hated how noticeable the changes in his face and body definition were from the last time I’d seen him those few years ago. The other day, with his hoodie on, his muscular form was hidden and I had flat out ignored his jawline.
Now, under the fire light, and the pain radiating from my thatched heart, I noticed.
And it made me sick because I wasn’t attracted to Alec, but I was aware of how he looked at me. I didn’t want to lead him on, and I didn’t want this to look or feel like something was happening here that wasn’t actually happening.
Alec pulled out a bottle of whiskey, two tumblers and a deck of cards.
I took the filled glass and sipped. “War.”
It began to snow in fat, chunky flakes. The fire crackled from behind me, and the tumbler of whiskey was cold under my hand. It made me want to toss the entire fucking thing in the fire just to watch it burn.
Silas hadn’t called me or texted.
I watched with fear as the clock wound down, leaving no room for Silas to redeem himself. Christmas had arrived and a sob worked itself up my chest, ugly and full of hurt.
Full of anger and confusion over why I was losing the man I loved to a monster that had ruined his childhood. I had been there for Silas. I had been the one to help him, to love him. To stand by him, and yet I was being pushed away.
It was Christmas, and I was alone.
Alec’s arms came around me, and as he pulled me tight into his chest, my fingers clung to his forearms. I realized too late, and after I was far too exhausted that we had moved to the bed. But the broken part of me didn’t care. I hoped Silas would somehow walk in and be hurt by what he saw. It was as far as I was willing to go. I would never kiss another man, or have sex with them…but being held by one. To Silas, it would be the same as anything else.
My sobs echoed through the room until I finally fell asleep in the arms of my husband’s brother…and quite possibly his greatest enemy.
I saw Killian riding first. He had Laura behind him, and the bike next to them had Wes Ryan, and on the back of his bike was a familiar dark-haired woman…