Page 32 of Dominant
Chapter 7
The House of Initiates
After I’d signed a contract and the NDA, and Sir Vicious had taken his leave of us, Alexander handed me my jacket and walked me silently to the nearest bus stop. We walked past his car, then mine, still parked on the street from the night before, while he pointedly ignored my questions, saying nothing to me. When the bus pulled up, we both got on and Alexander paid my fare. I was surprised he even knew how to ride public transportation.
We took the bus downtown and then walked to a public health clinic, where Alexander informed the receptionist we were both there “to get tested.” He handed her his health card, and, to my surprise, mine. I realized he must have taken my purse from my car.
When I was admitted to a treatment room, I asked the nurse what I was being tested for, since Alexander wasn’t speaking to me.
“Oh, the usual,” she answered. “Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and of course HIV.” She smiled. “Do you engage in high-risk sexual activities, Jordan?”
“Uh, no,” I answered, thinking, not yet.
“Great.” She jotted something down and handed me a cup for a urine sample.
Tests done, and clean bill of health received, I followed Alexander to a coffee shop, where he bought us both coffees and chose a quiet table by the window. He finally spoke to me.
“Jordan,” he said carefully, as if he were weighing his words. “You’re a young woman… with sexual experience, I’m sure. But what you’ve signed up for as an initiate is undoubtedly more extreme than anything you’ve experienced in the past.” His eyes flashed up at me. “I never imagined that we would end up here. But here we are. You seem quite… determined.”
I nodded, certain that I could handle whatever I was in for. I was young, perhaps, certainly younger than Alexander, but there was nothing sexual I was afraid of - nothing I wasn’t curious about. And a lot I had seen already. I wanted to experience it all, and if Alexander was a part of that then so much the better.
“This is your last chance to back out,” he continued. The light from the window played off the honed edges of his face, emphasizing his hard, strong beauty. His icy blue eyes turned hollow and cold. “If you have any doubts, you can walk away now.”
He looked at me expectantly, and I squared my shoulders bravely.
“Then,” he said, giving what sounded like a sigh of resignation, “until the end of your contract, you are mine. You will do everything I tell you to do - everything. And you will do it without hesitation.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “Are we clear on that point?”
I nodded.
“No brattiness,” he reiterated. “I will not tolerate it, and you will be punished severely.”
I nodded again, nervously snapping the elastic band on my wrist and feeling the reassuring sting of pain.
His eyes darted to my wrist. “You can’t wear that at the club. Initiates are not permitted to wear personal items.”
I opened my mouth to protest and then thought better of it, lowering my hands below the table to snap the elastic again in secret.
He leaned in towards me and spoke in a low voice. “Go to the washroom and remove your panties and tights and bring them to me.”
My eyes widened. I somehow hadn’t imagined that we would be jumping into anything right away.
“Do it now, please, Jordan,” he said, sounding exasperated.
I stood up, determined to be obedient. “Yes, Mr. Abbott,” I said playfully. I saw something soften in his eyes.
When I returned to the table, I handed Alexander my panties and tights, balled up in a wad, and he stuffed them into his coat pocket, before leading me back out of the coffee shop to the bus stop. The January air was cold on my bare legs, and it whipped up my skirt, making my teeth chatter. I pulled my coat tightly around myself and crossed my arms.
We got on the bus and sat at the back, facing the aisle. After a while, an older man got on and sat across from us, his full attention on the phone in his hand. Alexander leaned over to me and whispered.
“Tuck your skirt up and part your legs.”
My cheeks flamed at the suggestion. He wanted me to show myself to the old man. There was also a couple towards the back who would have line of sight as well. I turned my face to Alexander and gave him a stern look.
He looked satisfied somehow. “If you can’t do this, you won’t last a minute at the club,” he murmured.
My heart was hammering in my chest, and I felt like I was on the edge of a precipice. Either I did it, and saw what came next, or I didn’t and I ended up going home. The decision was evidently all mine.