Page 37 of Dominant
Chapter 8
Maggie’s Punishment
The next night, I followed Alexander to the clubhouse, walking two steps behind him with my head bowed, as I had been instructed. Inside, we descended a flight of stairs to the basement and entered a dungeon room.
My eyes widened as they adjusted to the light. Metal implements hung from the walls and brutal-looking wood and leather furniture was scattered throughout the concrete room. From the ceiling, various long chains hung.
Alexander took a seat in a chair against the wall and instructed me to kneel at his feet. “Tonight, you will watch,” he explained. Several other men in masks entered the room and filled the seats, including the one I had recognized as Mark.
He approached us, saying hello to Alexander and then peering down at me through his black mask.
“So you’re Number Six,” he said to me, with a crooked, insinuating smile.
“Yes, Sir,” I answered, blushing.
Mark might think he had anonymity behind his mask, but he could clearly see who I was. I wondered what he thought of seeing me here. In the office, I’d found Mark very attractive. Was it possible that I would see him naked? I wondered. Maybe even… more than that?
He took a seat on the far side of Alexander, but I remained painfully aware of his presence.
Once everyone was seated, a masked man in a cloak entered, pushing a bound woman ahead of him.
It was Maggie.
I gasped at the sight of her and Alexander put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it to let me know I should be silent.
I had wondered what had happened to her after last night. She was completely naked, hands bound in front of her and head bowed. As she entered the centre of the room I saw that her backside was covered in vicious red welts.
The man led Maggie towards us, drawing her to a halt and then bending his knee into hers, causing her to kneel down clumsily.
“Kneel for your Master!” he barked. As the man’s cloak billowed out behind him I saw that he wore nothing except for a thin leather strap tied around the base of his cock and balls, forcing them to jut out obscenely.
She bowed her head low before Alexander and then rose to her feet, keeping her eyes lowered. The man instructed her to get on the spanking horse, and she made the briefest of eye contact with me as she turned and walked away.
“What’s going to happen to her?” I asked Alexander.
“She’s being punished for the other night,” he explained. “She broke many rules, and Sir Vulpes can be harsh. It will be severe.”
I turned nervous eyes back to the scene, where Sir Vulpes was unbuttoning his cloak and handing it to a grey-clad servant, who hung it up on a hook by the door.
He had a large cock, already semi-erect, and it bobbed as he walked across the room to where Maggie had mounted a kind of bench - resting her knees and hands on two supporting beams along the bottom, while her stomach and chest rested across the top beam. Her head hung off the end, and her ass was raised in the air, on full display.
The servant who had hung up his cloak joined him at his side, ready to assist.
Sir Vulpes was an older man, somewhere in his mid-fifties, with tanned skin and a mouth and physique that made me think of the actor George Clooney. I noticed a gold wedding band on his finger as it caught the light. He walked around Maggie, running his hand down her back as if he was examining a new heifer, or shopping for a car. He grazed his hands lightly over her ass.
“Oh, you’ve been well beaten already,” he observed.
He reached out a hand and the servant handed him a bottle of lubricant. He held it over Maggie’s ass and squeezed out a few drops of the oily liquid, letting it run down into her crack, then he used his fingers to rub it into her anus directly. Her mouth fell open in surprise and she exhaled audibly.
He handed the lube back to the servant, who exchanged it for a small velvet bag, which the Dom opened, pulling out a shiny metal butt plug. He warmed it in his hands for a minute and then pressed it to Maggie’s asshole, pushing it slowly inside. She gave a muffled cry as he stretched her open and he laughed.
“Oh, it’s going to get worse than that,” he promised, and the spectators all laughed, including Alexander and Mark.
Lifting Maggie’s hands, he tied them together with rope behind her back, forcing her weight forward onto the bench, and then he moved around in front of her and picked her head up by her hair.
“Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue,” he told her.