Page 43 of Dominant
Chapter 10
The first thing I heard when the elevator doors opened was the sound of rapid-fire shooting. For the third time that week, Mark was sprawled across my couch playing his video game.
“Do you need a new console for Christmas?” I asked facetiously, throwing my suit jacket over one of the bar stools. “Seriously. Does yours not work?”
“Hey!” he called cheerfully, ignoring my comments. Mark knew me too well to take my tone seriously. “How’s it going?”
“Fine,” I answered tightly, grabbing two glasses and pouring us each a drink.
“Not fine?” he asked, putting down the controller and walking over to the bar.
I slid his glass across the bar towards him. “Well… the Andilets won’t sell their shares. For any price.”
“Shit. Not even the sisters?”
“None of them.”
“Hm.” He took a sip of his drink. Although the club was in my name, it was as much Mark’s as it was mine. He lifted an eyebrow. “There is one more option, though.”
I shook my head. Not Jordan.
“How was she doing today?” asked Mark, trying to keep his tone neutral. We hadn’t yet spoken about the scene the night before, not that it was anything too outrageous for either of us. We’d certainly shared partners before. But I knew that Mark was aware of my feelings for Jordan, the feelings I was trying to tamp down and deny. I appreciated that he was trying to be sensitive about them.
I also knew that Mark had his own feelings for Jordan. Although he’d brushed it off, I saw how clearly he was attracted to her. It was part of why I’d wanted to watch him fuck her. I knew they would have great chemistry
“I didn’t go,” I answered. “I gave her the night to rest. But she didn’t have any complaints about the night before.”
In fact, she’d seemed especially calm and satisfied. After I’d taken her back to the House of Initiates, she had quickly fallen into a peaceful sleep, resting against me. No raised voices and no drama. For once, she had been easy.
He looked at me in disbelief. “So you’re seriously still managing to keep your hands off her?”
“Barely,” I conceded. “I have blue balls so bad I think I’m going to end up in the hospital.”
“Damn, man. You really are a sadist. Or is that masochism, what you’re doing to yourself?”
I grinned - reluctantly.
“You already know what I think about this,” he said, bringing his drink back over to the couch. “If she hasn’t proven that she’s a woman who can handle your lifestyle by now, then what does it take?” He sat down and gave me a sideways glance. “Besides, I can tell you that her pussy feels fucking out-of-this-world fantastic,” he added with a lewd smile.
I rolled my eyes. His comment didn’t bother me. Seeing Jordan getting fucked by my best friend and brother had been one of the most erotic experiences of my life. Ever since I’d seen it, I’d been seriously losing my resolve to not get involved with Jordan Starck.
On my last night at the House of Initiates, I was lying in bed awake before Alexander came to get me. I wished my contract wasn’t ending yet. This unbelievable, scary and unexpected situation that I had found myself in was unlike anything I could ever have imagined, and I loved it. The peace and quiet of the House of Initiates, the exciting and sensual world of the clubhouse, and above all, the dedicated attention I received from Alexander as his special pet.
I didn’t want to go back to my old, bland life of struggling to get by and trying to find my own ways to cope. I had even gotten used to not snapping my elastic band anymore. The insular world of an initiate combined with the exploration of pain had introduced me to a world of relief I hadn’t even known existed. There was a way to release what I felt inside, and I had finally found it. I didn’t want it to end tomorrow.
When the door opened, I rolled over on my side and greeted Alexander with a smile. My favourite part of the day was being woken up by him. He removed his mask in my room, letting me see his face, and as he sat on the side of my bed I reached up and ran my hand over the stubble across his jaw. I wasn’t supposed to touch him, but we’d fallen into a certain kind of physicality with each other while in the privacy of my bedroom. He would kiss my forehead or look at my body and I would touch his face. It felt loving and affectionate and intimate.
Even if he would, and I quote, “never” fuck me.
He lifted his hand to cover mine, pressing it into his cheek, and looked down at me, saying nothing. I felt the warm energy between us. How could he pretend there was nothing between us? I thought, hopelessly.
Breaking eye contact, he pulled the blanket back from my body and ran his eyes over me, another small habit we’d developed, and I reached both hands up my sides, lifting and squeezing my breasts playfully before letting them fall. He made a small noise of satisfaction in his throat and then tucked the blanket back up around me.