Page 62 of Dominant
Chapter 16
Chief Operating Officer
The launch party was that evening. All day long, the chateau had been a hub of activity while movers installed the heavy pieces of BDSM equipment as well as the enormous amount of furniture that had gone into both the clubhouse and the House of Initiates. More than thirty mattresses, at least a dozen couches, and a countless number of chairs, just to name a few. The property was crawling with workers all day.
Last week, my parents’ personal effects had been rounded up and delivered to their home. They didn’t want to step foot on the property and had stepped down from the board, electing my sisters to sit in their stead.
I suspected that Jennifer was the real driver behind the decision. My father, uncharacteristically and unexpectedly, had patted me on the back after I’d been voted in as CEO and told me he thought I would do a great job.
“I’m proud of you,” said Alexander, sidling up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I felt his warm breath on my neck as he kissed me lightly under the ear.
I smiled and leaned back against him, feeling the wall of his chest against me. Strong, supportive… I could stand on my own, but there was nothing like knowing that he was right there, behind me.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” I answered honestly. Taking on the role of CEO of Chateau Andilet had been harder and more complicated than I ever could have imagined, but Alexander had been holding my hand all the way through - advising, mentoring, and above all, supporting. Yet every decision, he assured me, was ultimately mine to make.
“Yes, you could have,” he said. “Of that I have no doubt.”
We were standing in the chateau’s grand hall - the room where we’d first met. The man I’d met that night had ended up being so different, so much more complex, so much more anything than I ever could have imagined. I had taken one look at him, and decided that he was a handsome, powerful man out of my league, and then he’d surprised me by being silly and fun. And since then I’d discovered that he was that and so much more - profound, thoughtful, caring, and sensitive. Sexually, he’d introduced me to a world I could never even have imagined. Ever since I’d met Alexander Abbott, nothing in my life had ever been the same again.
“If I could have done it over again, I would have asked you out that night,” he murmured into my ear.
“And then what?” I asked. “Would you have told me about the club?”
“No, maybe not,” he said wistfully. “And that would have been our undoing.”
A shout from the mezzanine made my heart skip, and I snapped my head up to see two burly movers installing the St. Andrew’s Cross. The large, heavy wooden structure had tipped forward, almost falling, but had been caught by one of them, who was pushing it back upright.
“Where do you get movers who are okay with BDSM stuff?” I asked Alexander, turning to face him.
“You don’t,” he smirked. “They install the equipment and figure out for themselves what it is. Look at the way they’re looking at us.”
I followed his eyes to the central staircase, where the same two men were descending, eyeing us with candid curiosity.
“Excuse me,” Alexander called to them as they crossed the floor, and they turned towards us, looking uncomfortable.
They were good-looking men, both somewhere in their late twenties to early thirties, I would guess, with huge pipes - from their line of work. Both of them were wearing too-tight t-shirts, and a sheen of sweat on the darker man’s arms caught my eye. It looked sexy.
Alexander stepped towards them and spoke to them quietly, while I stood by patiently, unable to hear. After a minute, he turned and walked back towards me, the men following him with wide, eager eyes.
“Come,” said Alexander, gesturing for me to follow. “I’ve arranged a little play time for you.”
I felt my cheeks flush. There wasn’t much for us to do, except stand around and supervise, but I was surprised at his spontaneous decision. It was one of his prerogatives as my Dominant, though. He liked to push, and challenge me to obey him.
Walking up the stairs with the gruff, muscle-bound men, I didn’t feel particularly out of my comfort zone. They were both hot, in a beefy, firemen-calendar kind of way, and the thought of having their hard, rough hands on my body was making my pussy throb with anticipation.
Alexander’s whims had, as yet, never failed to delight me.
We made our way to one of the recently furnished play rooms and Alexander opened the door and ushered us in.
Inside, the room was set up with a large bed and seating area, just like the play rooms at the old location, although in the chateau we would be able to have more of them. No fire was lit in the fireplace, no tray of champagne awaited us, but the atmosphere was very like that first time Alexander had given me away to others. I didn’t know exactly what he had in mind, and I flicked my eyes over to the two movers, over the bulk of their arms and the broad expanse of their chest, my heart skipping a beat.
“This is Carlos,” said Alexander, indicating the darker man with the sheen of sweat on his arms, “and Brody,” he indicated the other man - lighter-skinned, with an easy smile and freckles over his nose and forearms.
“Nice to meet you,” I said, bowing my head instead of extending my hand.
“Jordan is my submissive,” Alexander said to the two men, “as I explained. And she will serve you in whatever way I tell her to.”