Page 75 of Off Limits
“That’s good. You’re such a good girl. Such a good fucking girl for Daddy.” I groan helplessly as a tsunami wave gathers up inside of me. “Such a good fucking girl, taking Daddy’s cum in your ass. Oh fuck, I’m going to come, baby. Oh fuck, I’m going to come.” Blackness slams down on me, and I’m only vaguely aware that I’m digging my fingers into Dani’s hips, lifting myself up onto the balls of my feet as I drive myself as hard and deep into her ass as I can. When my awareness comes back online I realize I’m crying out in a deep, guttural wail. “Fuck!”
Everything releases. Every ounce of tension, every thought I have, everything that I am, shakes free as I spurt violently into her. Every spasm seems to make her ass squeeze tighter around me, and I can barely move until I feel my own cum easing the passage out of her. When I pull out, it pours down the inside of her leg, making her reach for it in surprise.
“I got it,” I say with a chuckle, reaching for a Kleenex. “I got it.”
I run the Kleenex up her leg, gathering my cum in it, and then use several more to wipe us both down. When she stands and turns to face me, her face is radiant.
“Was that good?” she asks with a hopeful smile.
“Incredible,” is all I manage. I don’t have words for what I’m feeling. I don’t know how to articulate that Dani has just handed me my biggest fantasy on a silver platter, that she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in one unbelievable package.
“Incredible,” I murmur again, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her down onto the bed against me. I hug her as tightly as I can, burying my nose in the sweetly comforting smell of her hair, and notice that she’s still hugging her toy to herself. That toy I bought her all those years ago for her birthday. How could I ever have imagined what a role it would go on to play in our future.
OVER THE SUMMER, Dani and I settle into a new kind of life together, one that feels like a hybrid of our many roles.
By day, Dani takes a pre-university course at the University of British Columbia to improve her chances of admission when she applies next spring. I drive her to school, pack her lunch, make dinner, and take care of her as I always have.
But at night, in the privacy of our home, we take on new forbidden roles, exploring a taboo that fulfills something unique in each of us. For me, being Dani’s Daddy is about more than the taboo role-play. I enjoy the way it intersects with BDSM and allows me explore domination, as well as satisfying my need to express my love through caretaking. Being Dani’s protector and provider adds a dimension of meaning to my life I didn’t know that I was missing.
In our new dynamic, Dani discovers a sense of security that I see reflected in her confidence. She’s happy and carefree knowing that she can count on me to look after her.
More often than not, we sleep together in my bed, unless something about our play involves her sleeping in hers, and as time passes, I begin to think longer and longer term. What will Dani and I look like next year? In five years? In twenty?
We’re happy in our cocoon, playing our dirty little games in secret, but we can’t continue like this forever. Eventually we will have to put it behind us.
Or we will have to stop hiding our relationship from other people.
Bob comes over for dinner in mid-August, a few weeks before Dani will be starting her internship at our firm in the fall. We haven’t seen much of each other since his daughter’s wedding, but I expect that will change now that he’s shared he’s divorcing his wife.
I always thought that Bob had all the power in his marriage. His wife, Cynthia, always seemed to be working at their relationship, while he didn’t appear to make any effort at all. But I ran into Cynthia last week coming out of a Soulcycle class and she was positively glowing—happier than I’d ever seen her. Bob, conversely, seems to be spiralling into drink and depression.
When he arrives at the house, he’s carrying a good bottle of scotch I know he’ll drink at least half of, and can’t seem to take his eyes off Danica.
“She’s really grown up, hasn’t she?” he says when she excuses herself to use the washroom. He watches her walk away from the table.
“They grow up fast,” I say guardedly, not sure I like the way he’s looking at her.
“Yes,” he sighs in agreement. “That’s so true. Enjoy this time while you can. Before you know it, she’ll be getting married to some lout like her father.”
“No offence,” I say archly.
He looks at me in surprise. “Oh sorry, no—not you. I was talking about myself there. Sarah’s husband…well, I’m not sure I set the best example for her.” He takes a swig of his drink. “Yours’ll do fine, though. If she meets a man like her daddy, she can’t go wrong.” He winks, innocently enough, but my jaw tenses at the inadvertent parallel he’s drawn.
“Yes.” I clear my throat. “Well.”
Lately, I’ve been thinking about a particular future with Dani—one with her as my wife.
It feels like a silly, impossible fantasy, but the thought has gripped me and I can’t let it go. If ever I loved anyone, it’s Dani. Nobody has ever made me feel the way she does. Nobody has ever besotted me so completely. But regardless of whether we ever get married, if we’re ever going to be together, really be together, it starts with rewriting the script about who we are to each other.
It starts in moments like this.
My lungs get tight as I prepare to speak, and I take a deep breath. I know that Dani wants us to stop hiding who we are, but it seems easier to bring it forward to Bob when she’s not at the table, to spare her whatever his initial reaction is going to be.
“About that…” A strange, weightless feeling comes over me. “Dani and I, uh, well, our relationship has changed into something a bit…different.”
He looks at me blankly.