Page 97 of Saviors
But that didn’t stop my body from heating. I uncrossed my legs, making room for him to step closer. My fingers dug into the desk as I arched my back, hoping he’d take this further. But then the door opened and crashed my dreams.
Reid wasn’t as quick to stop. His mouth trailed down my cheek as I turned to see who had entered. He was placing kisses to my neck as Connor walked in the room.
“Am I interrupting?” He smirked.
We said at the same time.
“Reid.” I chuckled as I tried to shift away from him.
“What?” He grumbled as he reluctantly stood to glare at his brother.
Connor didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered at having interrupted us. “Ivette is looking for you.” Reid dipped his head, giving me another quick kiss before stepping back. Connor moved to take his place. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep our girl busy.”
I giggled at Reid’s annoyed expression. “Not tonight.” His eyes racked over my body, making me shiver. “She needs her rest. I’ve got plans for tomorrow.”
“Try telling that to Maverick.” He dipped his head and put his lips right where Reid’s had been only a moment ago.
“He’s working.” Without another word, Reid left. My brows furrowed as I wondered what kind of work he was doing. Maybe security for the club. That might be why he was training all the time, but I’d never asked. It didn’t seem important.
And that didn’t change when Connor’s hands skimmed up my legs and his mouth moved along my neck. “Hear that, little bloom.” My nipples tightened as his tongue flicked across my pulse. “My cock is hard just wondering what he has planned for us.”
Us. It still confused me that they could pass me around so easily. Or that I enjoyed it as much as I did. There was no jealousy, only acceptance.
“Come on.” He gripped my hands, pulling me from the desk and towards the door Reid had disappeared through. “Let’s head down to the bar.” My teeth tugged on my lip when I thought about the last occasion I’d had a drink. My cheeks colored from the memory. “No alcohol for you, though.”
He added when he saw the apprehension on my face. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I relaxed into him. They took care of me. They cared about me. Nobody ever had before.
“I need to go to the bathroom.”
He placed another kiss on my head before releasing me. “Use the one in Mav’s office.”
I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked away. Goosebumps broke out on my skin like it was a physical touch. I was so gone for these men. Lost in them. And I didn’t want to be found.
Maverick’s office was identical to Reid’s, except it had an air of disuse. There were no papers on his desk or garbage in the trash. It was clear he spent little time in here.
The bathroom was as nice as the rest of the club. High end finishes, but it was tiny. I suppose it didn’t need to be big since it was for private use.
After I was finished, I moved to the sink to wash my hands. I pressed on the blue glass soap dispenser, but nothing happened. I tried again, harder, but only a squirt came out.
I rolled my eyes as I turned to the closet. It seemed like the most obvious place to store extra. But when I opened the door, I was surprised to see another. There were shelves to the right and left with random supplies. Paper towel, soap, garbage bags, lube, condoms, printer ink.
But the wall in front wasn’t a wall. Why would a closet have two doors? I pictured the layout of the building in my head, trying to imagine what was on the other side. Nothing should be there. This corner faced the outside.
Maybe it was a safe. I shouldn’t open it, but curiosity got the better of me. I was always hoping to learn more about them. It seemed they knew all my deep dark secrets, and I only had glimpses of their pasts.
But as I touched the warm handle, my thoughts took a turn. My throat tightened. My gut clenched, remembering a closet. One I’d been held in. Was there a trap beyond this?
No! My guys would never do that. They weren’t evil.
Then why was my hand shaking? Why was sweat dripping down my spine? I willed myself to yank the door open. To face my fears.
In my heart, I knew I wouldn’t find anything. It was probably just more paper. Or a safe that I wouldn’t even be able to look inside. I was letting my trauma run away with my mind again.