Page 113 of Cruel Steps
Which meant… shit.
“So, we’re sharing a room?” I asked. Was it only my imagination that my voice got higher?
“There’s a pull-out bed on the couch, so you don’t have to share one. Are you two okay with that? I know it’s not ideal.”
“Um, yeah, sure, it’s fine,” I said, waving my hand. My heart raced, belying my calm exterior.
Rose and my dad glanced at one another but dropped it. “All right. Good night. See you two in the morning.”
As we climbed the stairs, it was only then I realized Holden hadn’t said a word.
Swallowing, I stared at the full-sized bed and then the sofa bed. Someone—probably Rose—had pulled out the sofa and made it up, adding a threadbare quilt to the end of it. It looked lumpy, and I wasn’t sure about its structural integrity, but I guess it was better than the floor. I swept the rest of the room, but there wasn’t much to find other than a nightstand with a lamp. There wasn’t even a dresser.
Two doors were back to back, and I walked over and opened the first one. Inside was a closet with board games at the top and blankets. Two garment bags hung on the rail—our clothes for the wedding—among a lot of empty hangers that clinked together at my disruption. Dust bunnies cluttered the bottom of the closet, and I sneezed as they hit my nose.
“Bless you,” Holden said, moving behind me.
I turned, raising my eyebrows in shock, as he opened his bag on the sofa bed. With him next to it, it looked more like a toddler bed.
“I can take the sofa. I’m not sure your body will fit, even if you lay diagonally.”
“It’s fine, Wildcat.” He looked up, his eyes holding mine for a second before he nodded to the other door. “That a bathroom?”
I opened the door and turned on the light. A walk-in shower, toilet, and sink appeared under the light. “Yep. Looks like we get to share a bathroom one more time before you move out.”
“What?” I asked, turning back to him and crossing my arms.
“It’s something.”
He dug in his bag, but I could have sworn his lips tugged up in a smirk.
“It’s just cute you think we won’t share one again.”
I blushed at the insinuation. “I’m not sure what you mean.” I wouldn’t make it easy on him. I wanted him to use his words, dammit!
I moved to the bed and dropped my bag. If he was going to be chivalrous and take the lumpy sofa bed, I wouldn’t argue. Holden pulled his shirt over his head with one hand, and I gulped. My eyes trailed over his body before I could stop myself.
When I spotted red marks covering him, I rushed to him, touching him without thought. “Shit, Hol. This looks bad.” I glanced at his face and was startled by the look. It was soft… and surprised, maybe? No, more like amused, but that wasn’t exactly right either. “What?”
“It’s just from the game, Wildcat.”
“You look like this after each one?”
He nodded. “More or less. The pads protect me from a lot, but they also rub against your skin and leave these welts.” He pointed to his side, and I gasped at the purple bruise forming.
“That’s more than a welt!” I caressed his soft skin, unable to stop. It was warm to the touch, and he shivered as my fingers grazed him. When I spotted goosebumps, I caught myself and stepped back. “Um, do you need anything? Ice? Icy hot? A massage?”