Page 143 of Cruel Steps
Holden’s nostrils flared, and he squeezed his eyes shut. After a beat, he blew out a breath and opened them. “I’m so tempted to drive you crazy until you crack, but Colt says that’s not a healthy way of getting what I want.” I smiled at that, my insides melting. “But I’m also not going to let shit fester between us, so here’s my compromise. You have until the end of the night to tell me, or I’ll get it out of you.”
And just like that, my insides hardened again.
“You can’t bully me to get what you want. I’ve had enough Adlers telling me what to do.”
“So it’s about Hope.” He lifted a brow, pleased with himself.
I stuttered. “What? No. It’s not…”
Holden leaned forward, his lips ghosting over the hollow of my neck as he whispered, “Believe me, baby, what I’d do to you, you’d enjoy. So, keep that in mind.” He sucked on the spot, and my eyes closed. If he kept doing this, I would be goo in his hands. Despite my desire, I pushed against his chest.
“You can’t use your dick magic to make me comply, either. That’s also not healthy.”
“Dick magic?”
I rolled my eyes, my cheeks heating. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. You love me.” He kissed me, stealing my breath and proving his point as I eagerly chased him with my mouth. “Clock’s ticking until it’s dick magic time.”
“I so regret saying that. You’ll never let it go now.”
“It’s not every day I hear about my dick being magical,” he teased. Seeing the smile on his face was worth it. Teasing Holden was in a league of his own.
“Doubtful. I’ve heard rumors on campus. You’ve got all the girls salivating.” Dread dropped in my belly at the reminder of how those girls viewed my boyfriend. Before I could overthink it, he spun me and pressed me against the door. His body blanketed mine, his cock very happy to see me.
“The only girl I care about, think about, and obsess over is you, Wildcat. And my dick might be magic, but your pussy is heaven, and I die every time I’m in it. I’ll never get enough of you, Em. Never. You’re the first person I’ve told who isn’t family that I love them. That means something to me. So, fuck those girls. Fuck the rumors. You, me, and Colter. That’s all that matters. Remember?”
And I was back to melting. How could I doubt him when he said stuff like that? I couldn’t.
His lips smashed into mine before I could answer, and all notion of being decent was gone as he kissed me. Passion and desire swirled between us, now accompanied by love, and I was a complete and utter goner for this man. I loved that he pushed me. That he didn’t let me get away with shit. That he saw me deeper than anyone else. He grounded me and allowed me to fly in the same breath.
“I remember. It means something to me, too. The three of us.” I pressed my head to his, wrestling with my decision. I couldn’t say anything until I knew more. I didn’t want to ruin his relationship with his sister. I needed to face this for myself first. “I’ll tell you, but I need time to deal with it first. Can you give me that?”
“As long as you don’t shut me out, I’ll give you whatever you need, Wildcat.”
My hand brushed through his hair, and I breathed him in, relaxing myself. I already felt better just by being in his arms. “I love you, Holden.”
He gave me a genuine smile I’d only seen him wear around Colter and me. “I love hearing you say that.” He pecked my lips before dropping me to the ground. Huh. Hadn’t realized he’d picked me up. “I better get you to work before I get benched for being late to practice. I’ll pick you up at 10.”
After another make-out session in Ember’s parking lot, I made it inside and changed into my outfit for the night—cowboy boots and a plaid shirt. I didn’t have a cowboy hat, but JoJo said she’d cover me.
“There you are!” she said, sprinting into the room. She plopped a hat onto my head. “Perfect.”
“How bad are my feet gonna hurt after this?” I asked, looking down at the pink cowboy boots I’d worn once.
“Have you broken those in? They look brand new.”
“Shit. They basically are.”
She grimaced. “Maybe you can talk your hot boyfriend into giving you piggyback rides to and from classes.”
“I don’t—” I started, until I realized I did have a hot boyfriend, two actually. Smirking, I turned. “Which one?” I couldn’t see her face, but the gasp and hurried steps told me my comment had struck.
“Shut up. Spill the tea, bish!”
I mimed zipping my lips, and she slapped me on the arm. “No secrets.”
“Fine. I’ll spill if you share something.”