Page 156 of Cruel Steps
“They’re holding something,” he mumbled, and I laughed.
“If only Mer could hear how gone you are for her.”
“Right? She still doesn’t believe me. We’re going to have to put a ring on her for her to understand. Maybe I’ll get her name tattooed on me.”
“Yes. Let’s do that. After the season, let’s get tattoos.”
“You want one?”
“You doubt my commitment?” I pulled my gaze away, narrowing my eyes at my friend. If he thought he’d hang around until I left, he was wrong.
“Not that. I know you’re all in. I just didn’t expect you to want to ink your skin.”
“Why? I’m not afraid of pain. I have my dick pierced.”
Holden cringed. “Still don’t know how you did that.” He shook his head like he could clear it of the image. “It’s not that. I guess I assumed you wouldn’t be into it. You’ve never talked about getting a tattoo before.”
I shrugged. “Never had a reason to want one.”
“Fair.” He paused, watching Mer dance. “She needs to pursue this. She loves it. With her, it’s like she is the dance, not a set of steps.”
“Kind of like you with football.”
Holden’s brow furrowed. “I never thought about it that way.”
“You don’t see yourself on the field.” I shrugged.
“I made a deal with her. If she enters a choreography contest, I’ll enter an art one.”
“That’s big. How do you feel about it? I know you love art, but it’s not something you ever really talk about.”
“I’ve never shown it to people. It feels too personal, too raw. Plus, people look at me with envy when I play football, and I know I can make money at it. It’s different with art.”
“Maybe that’s how Mer feels about dancing. When someone judges something close to your heart, it can leave scars.”
“Yeah. I hadn’t thought about it that way.” He blew out a breath. “If it takes me being vulnerable for her to try, it would be worth it. She’s worth it.”
“That she is.”
The song blended into another, then another, and we watched in amazement at Mer dancing. I could watch her dance all night and never grow bored. Each time she glanced our way, I felt lit up inside. I quit caring about others, seeing how amazing she was, because at the end of the night… she was ours. They could want her all they wanted, but it didn’t matter.
The lights dimmed sometime later, and the music switched to something softer as the girls trailed off the stage. Mer gave us a little wink before she disappeared.
Holden pulled out some cash and placed it on the table. “Come on. I need to change and clock in, but I’ll take you to see her.”
I didn’t think I could’ve climbed out of that booth faster if I’d tried.
Holden cut to a hallway, nodding to the guy stationed there. The man’s forearms were crossed, his scowl fiercer than Holden’s. He didn’t budge when Holden stopped before him, he just stared at him. Holden sighed and pulled out a name badge, then pointed to me. “I’m taking him to meet Hendrix.”
The guy finally relented and stepped aside. He gripped Holden’s shoulder before he could pass. “That your girl dancing?”
“Our girl. Why?”
The man’s eyes widened briefly before returning to their flat stare. “She’s good. JoJo speaks highly of her.”
“Mer’s amazing,” I said, wanting him to acknowledge her skills properly. He glanced at me and nodded in respect.
“There’s been a sketchy dude asking about her. No one has shared anything when I’ve been around, but I don’t know if that goes for everyone. Most are loyal, but…” he trailed off, stopping himself.