Page 175 of Cruel Steps
“I like it here, Mer. I should transfer, too. Then we could be roommates again. Brighton isn’t the same without you,” she mumbled into my hair.
“I miss you too, Tay, but I don’t want you to do anything impulsive.”
“You don’t want me here?” she asked, sniffling.
Ah, so we’re at the weepy-drunk stage. “I’d love for you to be here, babe, if that’s what you want.”
“Yay!” She let go and tried to do some dance moves, but the alcohol inhibited her. She fell over, but Colter and I caught her. She giggled the entire time.
“Shit. She’s gonna need to sleep this off. You guys have to get to warmups, and I have to dance.”
“I can watch her,” Hope said, stepping closer. I hadn’t seen her since the float stopped. She peered around at her former peers, her gaze anxious, like she expected them to flog her at any moment.
“Thanks. I’m not sure where you can go.”
“I have keys to Mom’s office. We can hang out there. I could do with some time away from everyone.” I handed Taylor off to her and she patted Hope’s hair.
“Your hair smells good. If you weren’t a bitch, I’d think you were hot,” she mumbled.
“Tay! Be nice. She’s helping.”
Hope laughed. “It’s fine. I was a bitch. I like that she doesn’t mince her words.”
“Mince. Mince. Pence. Are you British? Oi!” she said, the last bit in a bad English accent.
“Mercy,” I rubbed my forehead. “Are you sure you know what you’re in for?”
“Oh, yeah. She’s no worse than a house full of drunk sorority sisters. One will be a piece of cake. Come on, handsy.”
“Ah, we already got nicknames? You love me.”
Colter and Holden laughed into their hands, trying to hide it. I didn’t get a chance to scold them before Cody and Jenny invaded our circle and gave me hugs. Holden pushed Cody off me, rearranging his arm around me instead. Cody chuckled, shaking his head.
“You know I’m gay, right? I love Mer, but she’s not my type, Cap.”
I loved how Cody just put it out there. It was quiet for a second as Holden and Colter digested his words. Jenny and I held our breath as we waited. Holden scrutinized Cody, his brows relaxing as he turned to me.
“You knew?”
I nodded. “Since the first day.”
His shoulders dropped, and he turned to Cody. “I’m sorry we didn’t create a safe environment on the team for you to feel like you could tell us. Are you out publicly?”
“Yes, and no. The people in my life know. I’m still trying to navigate my way in football.”
“We’ll support you with whatever you decide,” Colter said, clapping Cody on the shoulder.
“Thank you. I’m not ready to tell the team yet, but when I am, I’d appreciate your support.”
“Of course,” Holden said. He held out his hand to Cody. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a shit role model. I let my jealousy get in the way of being there for a teammate.”
God, I loved these two. Could you get pregnant from watching your boyfriends be good humans?
Cody took his hand, and Holden pulled him into a bro-hug. Jenny and I shared a look, smiling at the moment. I knew Holden and Colter wouldn’t have an issue with Cody being gay and had been encouraging him to tell someone on the team. I was glad he finally felt he could. It sucked that he had to share that part of himself, to begin with, that the default was assumed to be straight. But until that changed, Cody got to decide how he shared his truth. He didn’t owe it to anyone.
“Your girl’s special, and I love her like a sister.”
“Love you, too, Cody bear,” I teased. “All right, we all need to head to the stadium. We have some ass to beat!”