Page 25 of Desperate Victory
I caught the look of shock that rippled over Ezra’s face before Bodhi closed the door. He followed me to his bedroom and the en suite.
“What’s up, Trouble?” I still had Ezra’s cum on my thighs, not that it seemed to trouble Bodhi in the slightest.
“You sure about taking him, Buttercup?”
Was I? I gave the answer a lot of thought as I got the shower started. “Yes. I wish he wasn’t going. It’s going to be hard for him. It would be hard for anyone. But it has to be his choice.”
Absolutely, one thousand percent his. Arms folded, Bodhi leaned against the door frame as I slid into the shower. If he needed a moment, he could take it.
It wasn’t until I’d soaked my hair down that Bodhi finally responded. “We’ll keep an eye on him. But if one of us pulls the plug and says to get him out—I need you to be the one to do it.”
Because Ezra would do it for me. He would protect me. I really wanted to gut Wallace Graham with a spork. It sounded hideous and appropriate at the same time. Yet, I could see Bodhi’s point.
“Okay,” I said slowly. “If I need to leave…”
“You just tell me what part of him you want, Buttercup. I’ll deliver it on a silver platter.”
That really should not be hot or romantic, but it was both. “Thank you.”
“Always,” he said, then left me to finish showering. Ten minutes later, I put my hair back in a braid that would keep it out of the way and neat. The clothes I wore were all black—as much for the mourning as to hide evidence of blood.
The boots were also black, but not my favorite pair. They would also be more likely to clean up and not need disposal. Cosmetics were light enough to not take long, but also efficient enough to hide the smudge of worry from beneath my eyes.
When I descended the stairs, I found all four of my guys waiting for me, along with a couple of extra Vandals. Adam lifted his chin, the darkness cloaking him, one I wanted to embrace.
Because we were going to get our pound of flesh for Ezra and close that particular door permanently. Wallace Graham would never lay a finger on him again.
Harper could never hurt Adam or Andrea again. We were getting our sister back. And Wallace Graham?
He was a dead man.
Just another name on a list we were going to check off.
No more enemies left to come at us from behind.
Adam and Milo returned with a pair of Vandals to join us on the family excursion. Liam O’Connell and Vaughn Westbrook were excellent choices as backup. O’Connell because he knew all the players. Westbrook, on the other hand, was nearly six and a half feet of heavy, layered muscle decorated with tattoos.
He also had red hair which was utterly at odds with his genial nature. I didn’t have a problem with it, I’d never met a red-headed man that wasn’t an absolute barbarian when it came to fighting or madder than a goddamn hatter.
I approved of both. Since this ginger was relatively polite and easy-going the rest of the time? Fine by me. Always needed to watch out for the quiet ones.
Ezra came down before Lainey. The wet hair betrayed his shower. He’d gone for casual, and dark colored clothing. Solid plan. There would definitely be blood spilled.
“Liam,” Ezra said by way of greeting and the other man nodded. When Ezra glanced at me, I pointed to the coffee on the table. I’d made it for both him and Lainey…
There she was, and I enjoyed the time it took her to descend the stairs to just savor her appearance. From the neat braid of her hair to the careful tucking of her pants into her boots. Nothing in her appearance or her wardrobe betrayed our plans.
I canted my head to the side as she took the coffee.