Page 61 of Desperate Victory
The fuck did he think he was… I tried to choke out my inner asshole. It needed to shut the fuck up right now.
“Good boy,” Adam almost crooned the words and the precum leaked out of my cock. It smeared against my belly and I dropped my chin, as my breath went ragged cause he’d pushed his thumb in. It was a little stretch. It didn’t really hurt, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either.
No way to not be aware of him. Adam was fondling my ass. I thought I’d died when he let me suck him off while I fucked Lainey. I reached heaven when he finally stroked me and teased my cock.
This was purgatory. Heaven. Hell. All of it rolled up into one violently sexy bastard I couldn’t get enough of.
“You make me crazy, Ezra. You are such an asshole. You suck cock like it’s your job, you can make our girl come with a scream, and you literally try to kill me with your mood swings.”
No, I really didn’t, but he was thrusting his thumb a little deeper with each word and a little more spit. If we were going bigger than the thumb…
“You were pissed at me because Milo said good luck.”
Oh, it all crashed back in and the haze of pleasure drowning me, jerked back like a yanked curtain. “Secrets…” I choked that one word out. “I hate the secrets.”
“I’m not keeping secrets from you, asshole.” His lips were at my ear and he was bending over me. The tease of his cock against my ass was a whole new level of torment. “He said good luck because you and I were going to be alone. He was giving us the night so we wouldn’t feel self-conscious.”
Adam bit me. The scrape of his teeth on my shoulder grounded me and had my cock jerking.
“You stupid asshole,” he muttered as he pulled away. “Milo may be a lot of things, but a blind asshole is not one. Apparently, you got all of that in the family.”
The insult could have hurt if it wasn’t so accurate. Milo left to give me and Adam privacy. I didn’t know how to respond.
“But no, you can’t just accept that he might say something you don’t understand the reference to immediately without blowing up. So, my fucked up friend,” Adam continued, his voice dark with passion and anger. Passionate anger? It was hot no matter what it was.
His thumb was out and there was something warm and wet drizzling over my ass. He brought the lube.
I was wrong. I hadn’t died before.
I was about to die now. I was going to die impaled on his cock and I shifted on the bed. I wanted this so goddamn much. He slapped my ass again.
“Fuck,” I barked out the word. He had big hands and that fucking hurt, but then he massaged the cheek he’d struck and the heat went into my bones.
“Don’t like that?” Adam taunted me. Oh, he was definitely taunting.
“Didn’t say that—” I regretted my smart mouth almost immediately because he slapped my ass again. This time, the sting was far hotter and I swore. “God…”
“Adam,” he corrected with another slap. It was scrambling my brains as he spanked me.
Adam fucking Reed was spanking me.
And what was I doing? Pushing my ass back at him like please sir, may I have some more?
Laughter and tears tangled up in a hysterical mess, but then I became aware of a finger in my ass… wait, no two fingers. Holy shit, he’d distracted me and he was fucking my ass with his fingers. It felt good as he stretched me.
“You don’t have to be so careful—” That didn’t go over well. He just slapped my ass three times in rapid succession until I was breathless from the heat of it all. His gentle massage as he scissored his fingers inside of me brought real tears to my eyes.
Not tears of pain.
Far from it.
He was adding a third finger.
“This is easier when Lainey is here,” Adam said, the words filtered through the wild emotions choking me.