Page 31 of Unicorn Unashamed
Chapter Nine
Raymond nervously drummed his fingers on his thigh as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He’d just finished rescheduling all his clients for the next couple days, and was now about to head home to pack a bag for some overnights at Josh’s apartment.
Josh had let him know that he’d gotten all the signs that he was about to go virile.
It was Josh’s first virile period since they had gotten together two months ago, and while Josh had insisted that he’d be okay with Raymond’s normal schedule, Raymond really wanted to do things right. At least this time, he wanted to make sure he provided all that he could.
He’d had to talk it out with Josh, because Josh had been worried that Raymond was trying to make up for how things had gone the last time Josh had been virile. And yeah, it was a bit of that for sure—Raymond wanted to make sure he didn’t fuck up again by outright leaving while Josh was asleep, for one. But mostly Raymond wanted to make it a positive experience for both of them. Especially this new, “first” time.
He’d broached the subject a few times over the last several weeks and, with Josh’s help, continued to not only learn about Josh’s personal experiences, but about the virile period in general. He was very glad to be able to operate under information that wasn’t just sensationalized media, but he had also gleaned enough to be… more than a little angry at Josh’s previous partners
The virile period was about closeness. About protection and comfort and care, and wanting it—needing it. Needing looking after.
Sex too, of course, in Josh’s case. That was a pretty big component and one Raymond was looking forward to for sure.
But god was he also looking forward to the rest of it.
Raymond loved being able to take care of his partners. And he loved the idea of being able to be the strong one, to provide protection, to being someone safe for someone important to him. So he was dying to put this into practice for Josh. He had read up on all the best ways to calm a unicorn as they were fully entering their virile period, and how to provide proper aftercare after sex, which tended to be incredibly exhausting for a virile unicorn dealing with an influx of emotions and sensations.
Now it was just a matter of doing it all.
“You’re overthinking this,” Josh had said when Raymond had started asking questions about what he liked. “It’s really no big deal. No one’s ever offered this type of stuff to me before—I’ve clearly got on fine without it.”
“No one’s ever offered before?” Raymond had asked, horrified. By then he’d been very aware of how affectionate and cuddly Josh could get after sex. Surely at least one of Josh’s previous partners had noticed that he’d been asking for more—
But Josh had just shrugged. “I haven’t had a lot of long-term partners. So I haven’t done a lot of aftercare. I told you, it’s not a big deal.”
“Are you kidding me? They never—no one’s ever—” Raymond had sputtered for a while before growling, “Fuckers, not treating you right.”
Josh had raised an eyebrow. “I mean, I didn’t exactly push for anything.”
“You shouldn’t have had to! It’s basics to provide aftercare.”
“Okay, okay, so I won’t argue. Did you want to prove your point?”
“Yes,” Raymond had growled. “I’m going to spoil the fuck out of you.”
Josh had snorted. “Show me what I’ve missed out on?”
“Damn right.”
And Raymond planned to make good on that promise.
Josh hadn’t realized just how antsy he had been for Raymond to arrive until there was a knock on his door. He fairly leapt up out of his chair to go answer it, throwing the door open without ceremony to reveal Raymond, a duffel slung over his shoulder and carrying a reusable grocery bag in one hand.
“Hey,” Raymond said softly, lips quirking up
“Hey,” Josh breathed, taking a second to just look before he was overwhelmed with the urge to touch. “Come on in, come in, come on.”
Raymond chuckled and followed, stepping out of his shoes and setting the grocery bag on the floor before holding out his hand. “C’mere?”
Josh went eagerly, letting out a little whimper of a sound at the kiss, the warm heat of Raymond’s body so close, the press of his large hand at the small of his back. “God,” he panted when they parted. “Missed you.”
Raymond kissed his forehead. “Missed you too. How are you doing?”
“Not bad,” Josh said. “Not out of my mind yet, at least. I um, I didn’t take my libido inhibitor though. If, uh, if that’s okay. But I can take it now.”