Page 22 of Mama & Pops
“How about Squid?” someone called out. The guy on the ground threw a scowl over his shoulder. Or tried to. He ended up groaning, but finally managed to get to his feet. He still bent over, sucking air.
“How about you shut the fuck up.” Pops took charge, angry scowl firmly in place. “He needed a demonstration. He got one.” He tilted his head at Gerald. “How about we call you Mo.” Pops shrugged. “Seems fitting.”
“Mo?” One of the other guys barked out a laugh. “What does that even mean?”
Pops looked at me, grinning before shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the twitch to my lips. “The Mighty Mo.”
“What does the USS Missouri have to do with Ferguson?”
“Jesus, man.” Brutal gave the guy an irritated look. “Missouri is the fuckin’ Show Me state. Maybe you’re the fuckin’ dumbass.”
“Oh.” The other guy looked a little deflated but didn’t protest. “Yeah. That’s pretty good.”
“Mo it is then.” I clapped the guy on the shoulder. He grunted, but actually attempted to chuckle. Straightening slowly, he extended his hand to me. I took it in a firm grip. “Mama.”
I grinned. “Good.” Looking around the rest of the group I raised an eyebrow. “Anyone else need a demonstration?”
When no one answered, Pops took over again. “You all are gonna get to work. We’ve got a place to clean up and remodel. And build. We can’t have a proper home until we get it finished.”
“We’ve been working.”
I winced, almost feeling sorry for the guy. Pops growled and stomped toward the guy in question. Immediately, the guy backed off. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”
“You got a problem with working harder?” Pops was back to yelling again, right up in the guy’s face. “Do you? ‘Cause I won’t allow no deadbeat pussies in this fuckin’ outfit!
“No problem. No problem at all, Pops.”
Taz got a kick outta that. “Yeah. Things’re gonna be just fine while I’m gone.”
* * *
Taz left the next morning. He spent the whole evening with Liam, preparing his son for his absence. The boy was resistant, but agreed he’d stay behind if he could stay with Gracie. Kid might have thought he was negotiating, but it was exactly what Taz wanted.
Gracie was more than agreeable. The girl seemed to have latched onto Liam the same as he had her. I knew they needed each other. I got the impression Taz thought so too.
“You know, this is a good thing. Right?” Pops pulled me aside and wrapped his arms around me from behind. His mouth found the side of my neck and he sucked ever so delicately.
I shivered, trying not to show how much he affected me, but it was a losing fucking battle. “I know they’re gonna be a pain in my ass. Solidly.”
Mike chuckled. “Not disagreein’. But you’re good with this. Right?”
I turned to look at him over my shoulder. “Of course, I’m fuckin’ good with this! These guys are a fuckin’ mess!” I snapped my outrage, turning around completely to glare at him. “With Taz leavin’, who the fuck else is gonna save these bastards from themselves?”
Mike lifted his hands in surrender, an amused smirk on his face. “Just makin’ sure, Mama. No need to go all mama tiger on me.”
“Good.” I turned back around, giving him my back. I reached back for his hands and tugged him to me. “Now. No one told you to stop what you were doin’.”
Mike chuckled against my neck, sending electric zings down my spine. I wanted to melt into him. I wanted him to bend me over and take me right here. Fuck me. Show everyone who happened upon us that I was his and no one else’s. “Demanding little thing, ain’tcha.” God! The man knew how to push every single one of my buttons!
“I am. Ain’t apologizin’ either.”
“Never said you had to.”
“Good. ‘Cause if you don’t satisfy me, I’ll find someone who will.”
With a growl, Mike spun me around, slamming me against a nearby wall. When I went to shove him away, he grasped my wrists in one of his big hands, pinning them above my head. A wild, frenzied lust punched me in the gut, taking my breath. When I parted my lips, Mike descended on me, taking my mouth in a hard, controlling kiss.
His tongue thrust deep, his other hand squeezed my breast hard. He pinched my nipple roughly, twisting it once. Then again. I cried out with the third twist but not in pain. Sure, it hurt, but the pain morphed into something I wasn’t sure I was prepared for.