Page 35 of Stolen Summer
Pesky curiosity had me moseying to the doorway and glancing inside. I flashed my light into the room. Unlike Cole’s dark walls and messy, slept-in sheets, this one had light-gray walls and freshly pressed linens, a much more inviting sight. So much so that I couldn’t risk walking past.
It had to be one of his brother’s rooms. Which one? Crew or Brody? And why did he have such a bug up his ass about this particular bed?
With the bottle of wine in hand, I walked in and shut the door behind me.
Cole banning me from this bedroom was like an invitation. Of course, I wouldn’t listen and choose one of the others. Perhaps he hoped I would pick his bed if he forbade me his brother’s, but it didn’t make sense. He had two brothers. Why not just tell me to take the guest room?
My mind was too muddled with liquor to dig deeper into the inner workings of Cole Riley.
Setting the flashlight on the nightstand, I took a swig of wine before placing it beside my only light source. I tested the mattress with my hands and sighed. After a night on the couch, a fluffy bed with luxury bedding was an indulgence I couldn’t ignore. The shower could wait until morning.
I stripped off the sweatpants and climbed in with just the borrowed oversized tee on. My moan was nearly orgasmic as the silky sheets touched my skin. Reaching to the nightstand, I flicked off the flashlight, submerging the room in total darkness.
Outside, the wind had died down considerably, the storm from yesterday moving on to another part of the state to wreak havoc. A light drizzle tapped on the roof, and my lips curved as I thought about the scowl on Cole’s face when he realized where I’d slept.
I curled onto my side, snuggling deeper into the bed, and a familiar woodsy scent clung to the creamy soft bedding. It smelled like Cole and yet varied slightly. I second-guessed whether it was smart of me to sleep here. I didn’t need Cole clouding my thoughts and making it difficult for my body to rest. The last thing I wanted was my dreams to be of him, but that was exactly what happened when I dropped off into sleep, and I cursed the devil back to hell for taunting me.
Asoft white haze blurred my vision, and a pleasant warmth touched my face, reminding me of lying out in the sun. Flashes of Cole rolled through my mind, but I couldn’t tell if they were dreams or memories.
The downy pillow supported my head as my fingers glided into his hair, guiding his lips to mine. They were softer and gentler than I recalled. The heat burning between us last night was more of a simmer now. It didn’t punch me in the gut and leave me breathless. Not to say the kiss wasn’t still made of dreams, just a different fantasy.
The unhurried languidness of his kiss nearly undid me. I’d expected greed and hunger, but this…was like kissing a completely different person. How many facets of Cole Riley were there?
And would I get the chance to uncover them all?
It was a mystery I wanted to solve, but then again, this was a dream. Was this the Cole I wanted him to be? Sweet? Gentle? Caring?
I nearly snorted into the kiss at the idea.
His lips slowly pulled from mine to stare down into my face, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “Morning, Quinn,” he murmured in a rough, raspy voice.
Dear God, he has a sexy morning voice.
Can’t he have at least one damn flaw other than being a righteous prick? And rich?
Okay, a physical flaw then?
No one should be this blessed in the gene pool.
I blinked, the white haze clearing from my eyes. “Cole,” I murmured groggily, and the realization I hadn’t been dreaming and that kiss had been very real hit me. My eyes closed and I groaned. Why couldn’t I have waited until after I brushed my teeth to make stupid mistakes?
The bastard had the nerve to smile at me.
He could disarm a criminal with that damn smile. It was like his personal arsenal.
As I suppressed a yawn, color bloomed in my cheeks. “What are you doing here?”
Leaning on his hand, he lay on his side, his body turned toward me. “I could ask you the same thing.”
A vague memory of Cole’s warning when he told me this room was off-limits came back, and being the rebel I was, I slept exactly where I wasn’t supposed to. And slept pretty damn good too.
The memory triggered another and another as they slowly trickled back to me. Had we nearly christened the kitchen table? What made it worse was I’d been the one to initiate the kiss. I’d kissed him! What the hell was wrong with me?
Glancing at Cole, I didn’t recall going to bed with him. I was pretty sure things had stopped downstairs before going too far. Then why was I waking up next to him?
I wiggled under the sheets, checking to see if I still had my clothes on. A sigh of relief escaped when I felt the T-shirt brush against the tops of my thighs. I didn’t have on any pants, but my underwear was in place.