Page 97 of Stolen Summer
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
“You’re Crew?” I whispered, my arms falling from where they’d been resting on his shoulders. My gaze narrowed, daring him to lie, to continue the charade he’d been keeping up for weeks.
“Does it matter what my name is?” Such brutal, unapologetic fucking honesty exuded from him. I hardly recognized him from the guy who’d been inside me not long ago.
“Yes!” I shrieked, climbing off him and the bed. I took the sheet with me, securing the material like a cloak around me. “You lied to me. You made me believe you were someone else. Why would you do that?” Even as the accusations left my mouth, they were unreal. They were bitter and alien.
He flinched, but it was barely a blink, and he continued to sit unashamedly naked in the middle of his bed. “It’s complicated.”
“That’s such a bullshit answer,” I hissed, fury spiking in my blood. “It’s a cop-out and you know it. Be a fucking man and tell me the truth.”
Neither Crew nor Cole said anything, and I was damn sick of their silence.
“All this fucking time?” I demanded, my temper licking in my voice.
The scowl I’d come to find somehow enduring appeared on Crew’s lips as he shook his head. “No.”
That scowl now only infuriated me. “Are you saying sometimes I was with Cole?” I asked, doing my best to make sense of a fucked-up situation. I suddenly felt like a toy to two assholes.
“I saw you first,” Cole said from the doorway, and my gaze flew to him. He winked.
Pressure grew in my chest, digging deeper into my heart—hell, into my soul. “In the pool…that was you?”
“When I caught you skinny-dipping.”
I couldn’t breathe. “What agreement?” I gritted out, my nose crinkling as I sent Crew a withering glare.
Crew blinked.
“You—he,” I corrected, “said you had an agreement. What was it?” I repeated.
Crew raked a hand through his hair. “That neither of us would sleep with you,” he finally answered roughly as if the words were stuck inside him like telling the truth hurt. Perhaps it did, but his discomfort mattered little to me.
I scoffed, my mouth dropping. “Clearly, trust is an issue in this family.” I turned to Cole. “In case you haven’t figured it out, I slept with your brother.”
“I could tell you that you chose wrong, but you’ll figure it out,” Cole said coolly just as self-assured as Crew. No fucking wonder I hadn’t been able to tell a difference.
“I thought you were the same person!” I snapped back, my voice rising to a near scream. My initial shock had given way to anger, and it simmered in my blood, desperate to be unleashed. I had to do something.
Twisting, I grabbed the first thing my hands could find and hurled it across the room at Cole. The candle hit the wall to his left, falling to the floor with a smash, but the glass didn’t break, only rolled across the floor. I stared at the hole in the wall before shifting my gaze to Cole. “And I’m not choosing either of you.”
“This is a side I never got to see. I can tell why you’re so intrigued,” Cole said to Crew.
In my surging panic, I noticed only one difference between them.
The lip ring.
Crew had one but Cole didn’t.
My mind clung to the difference, flipping through memories in an attempt to decipher who had been who over the last month. Which twin had I shared which moment with?
Cole shifted his weight from where he still lingered in the doorway. He kept his distance. A smart move.
Cole. He was Cole. God, my mind still had a hard time processing and accepting the truth.
“Why?” I replied icily. “Is this some sort of twisted game you play on poor girls when you’re bored with your life?”
The gold flecks in his eyes glittered with the first signs of anger. “It’s not like that.”