Page 12 of Ready to Cash Out
“I mean, I’d fuck him.”
“You would, you freak.”
Trev decided very quickly that it was in his best interest to get the hell out of there. He didn’t know what these men wanted, how they knew about his birthmark, or if this was all some sort of insane setup. Those were all fabulous questions that could be answered never as far as he was concerned.
“Your time is officially up, sir,” Trev said firmly. “It’s been fun, really, but that’s my cue to turn into a pumpkin for the night.”
“Oh, that’s where you’re mistaken.” Jupiter chuckled as he fixed his belt. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Look at that! All those looks and a sense of humor. Love it. Great. So sorry we didn’t get to fuck. Bye now.” Trev started toward the door, but Jupiter rose from the bed to cut him off. “Move.”
“We’re not done yet,” Jupiter warned. “My family wants to have a little chat with you.”
“Sorry, really, but I’ve had enough chitchat and fucking around without actually being fucked around with for one night.” Trev narrowed his eyes, and his lean frame tensed for a fight. Jupiter was between him and the door, and that was a problem. “You paid for me to entertain you for the evening. That’s it. Your time went ding as soon as your little friends started banging on the fucking door. So, I’m leaving.”
“I’m afraid not. I have further need of your company.” Jupiter offered his hand. “Play nicely and?—”
“Hate to be the one to break the tragic news to you, but tonight was the last fucking time I was ever gonna do this stupid ass bullshit. And wow, it was great to go out with a big bang and all, or not, but I’ll be going now.” Trev tried to step around Jupiter.
“No.” Jupiter grabbed Trev’s shoulder.
Trev had nothing on except for his heels, thong, and a growing sneer, but he glared at Jupiter without a shred of hesitation as he snapped, “Take your fucking hand off me or I will fucking kill you.”
“Yeah?” Jupiter reached now for Trev’s jaw. “How would you do it? Hmm? Tell me.”
Fear spiked inside of Trev’s very core because there was absolutely no way he could kill Jupiter. Other than the complex moralities involved with taking a life even in self-defense, he was practically fucking naked.
His odds were not great.
Trev hesitated. “You don’t want me to spoil the surprise, do you?”
Jupiter smirked. “Please. Try.”
“Well… Fuck you!” Trev tried to bolt around Jupiter. “Security! Hey! Code Peach! Fucking Code Peach!”
The only reply he heard on the other side of the door was those two men laughing. That couldn’t be good. The code phrase was meant to alert the bouncers to come in and end the evening in case of emergencies. Someone was always supposed to be listening to ensure a quick response.
Jupiter grabbed Trev’s arm. “They’re not coming, baby doll.”
Trev immediately went berserk, flailing like a wild animal as he snarled, “Hey! Let the fuck go of me!” He was deeply satisfied when his elbow caught Jupiter’s nose, but his victory was short-lived when Jupiter scooped him up like a struggling kitten and then simply tossed him over his shoulder. “The fuck!”
“Settle down,” Jupiter scolded, carrying Trev back over toward the bed.
Trev tried to arch up and pull away, but he smacked his head on the ceiling. “Shit!”
“You’re going to help us negotiate a little deal with your brother. All I need you to do is?—”
“You are fucking insane!” Trev kicked defiantly, wishing he could draw his knee up high enough to nail Jupiter’s groin. “Hello! I don’t have a fucking brother.”
“You really don’t know, do you?” Jupiter searched Trev’s face as if he was actually surprised.
“Know what?” Trev spat.
“Who your brother is.”
“Oh, ha ha! You’re just hilarious.” Trev rolled his eyes. “I already told you! I don’t have any brothers or sisters! Only child, remember?”
“That you know of.”