Page 47 of Ready to Cash Out
“Yes, sir,” the nurse said, reaching for Ugo’s arm. “Come on back with me, sir.”
“No!” Ugo scowled and swatted at her. “I’m talking with my new friend! We have to go to the party! You won’t take me alive, you ornery old bitch!”
The nurse grunted, clearly flustered and becoming more so as Ugo struggled and Sal continued to glare.
“Get him to his room now!” Sal barked.
“I’m so sorry, sir! I’m trying!” the nurse pleaded. “Sir, I?—”
“I said now!”
The nurse looked as if she was about to burst into tears, and Ugo was running around her in circles, surprisingly spry for his age.
“Bonsai!” Sal waved at the driver. “Give ’em a hand, would you?”
“Yes, sir.” Bonsai stepped into the fray, reaching for Ugo’s shoulder. “Come on now, Mr. Luchesi. Why don’t you go back with the nice lady? We can?—”
Ugo whipped his head around and bit Bonsai’s arm.
“Ow! Son of a bitch!” Bonsai screeched.
“Watch ya’ fuckin’ mouth!” Sal snapped. “That’s my grandma, may she rest in peace, that you’re talking about!”
“I’m sorry, boss!” Bonsai waved his arm. “He fucking bit me!”
Sal pressed his hands to his temples and muttered something in Italian.
“Zio,” Jupiter tried, using a gentle tone and approaching slowly, as if Ugo was a wild animal. “Hey, hey, Zio Ugo. Play nice, okay?”
Ugo bared his teeth and growled.
Jupiter took a step back.
“Hey!” Trev said suddenly. “Mr. Luchesi? You still want to go to the party, right? Your nurse will take you.”
Everyone stared at Trev.
“Oh!” Ugo flinched as if a switch had been flipped and appeared to relax. “Is that so?”
The nurse gave Trev a grateful smile, and she offered her arm to Ugo. “Absolutely, sir! Let’s go.”
“Thank you. I do love a party.” Ugo waved farewell as the nurse led him down the hallway, still chatting away excitedly about all the champagne he was going to drink.
“You!” Sal hissed, his eyes burning into Trev. “Don’t you ever speak to my father again, do you understand me?”
“Your father?” Trev scoffed. “Come on. I was just trying to help!”
“Shut your fucking mouth, you flaming whore.”
Trev’s temper flared. “Fuck you, bitch.”
Sal raised his hand.
Trev stood his ground, ready to take the hit. It wouldn’t be the first he’d been struck for running his mouth and probably wouldn’t be the last.
Jupiter caught Sal’s wrist, saying, “No damaging the merchandise, right, sir?”
Trev flinched.