Page 60 of Ready to Cash Out
“Ugo wanted a party, didn’t he?”
“Why don’t we give him one?”
Trying to plan a party on such short notice was apparently very easy as a member of the Luchesi family. Jupiter did almost everything on the phone under Ugo’s name and then slipped out to accidentally give his phone to Ugo. Jupiter later claimed that he had no idea how Ugo had gotten it from him, perhaps during their earlier struggle, and now they were expected to host a party in a few hours.
Emil and Sal were furious, and they got into a screaming match with each other over what to do. Ugo somehow caught wind that he was actually having a party, and Emil refused to back down. Sal finally gave in, but he ordered more security and loudly declared they could use it as a show of strength to help recover from the obvious blow the raid had dealt their reputation.
All of this Jupiter was too happy to tell Trev, and it was nice being on the same side for once.
Jupiter hadn’t even threatened to tie Trev up when he left earlier to slip Ugo the phone.
Trev was even more surprised when Jupiter came back holding a garment bag. “Ah, is that for your funeral?”
“Very funny.” Jupiter rolled his eyes. “It’s for you.”
“You’re coming to the party with me tonight.”
Trev laughed. “Seriously? You’re going to have your hostage as your date?”
“Yup.” Jupiter smirked as he handed him the bag. “You’re going to behave, stay by my side at all times, and stay quiet.”
“I don’t think I can do any of those things.”
“Ha ha. You can.” Jupiter rolled his eyes. “And you will. You need to be with me so we can leave, remember? Unless you want me to go without you.”
Jupiter grinned.
Trev draped the garment bag over the bed so he could unzip it. “No.”
Jupiter scoffed. “What?”
Trev gestured to the suit inside. “No.”
“Stop just saying no. What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s ugly.” Trev wrinkled his nose. “I’m not wearing that.”
Jupiter huffed. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to find something in your size on such short notice? Come on. What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s black on black. I really am going to look like I’m going to a fucking funeral.” Trev groaned loudly.
“This isn’t a date,” Jupiter grumbled. “It doesn’t matter what you wear?—”
“Shhh.” Trev brought his finger to his lips. “We’re both going to pretend you didn’t say that.” He made a face at the dismal suit. “It’s… fine. I’ll make it work.”
“You’ll still look gorgeous.”
“Yeah. Duh.” Trev snorted. “Of course, I will. So.” He dropped his voice down. “What’s the plan?”