Page 72 of Ready to Cash Out
“No shit!” Trev shouted back as he pressed himself against the seat.
“Hey! Big and ugly!” Howell snapped angrily, thrusting the gun at Jupiter. “How’s ’bout yous shoot back?”
“Fuck you!” Jupiter growled.
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck both of you!” Trev snarled. “Someone fucking do something!”
Jupiter cursed as he rolled down his window to return fire.
Trev slapped his hands over his ears and gritted his teeth as he pushed himself down into the floorboard. The car swerved again, the gunfire continued, and Trev was certain he was going to puke. He had no idea where they were headed now, but they were definitely headed there in a hurry.
More shots rang out, glass shattered, and Jupiter grunted. “Fuck!”
“Shit, yous hit?” Howell demanded.
“Just fucking drive.” Jupiter kept firing.
“We’ll lose ’em on the highway,” Howell said firmly. “Hold on, all right?”
Trev groaned miserably. “Where the fuck are we going?”
“Just stay down,” Jupiter said. “Don’t worry.”
Trev couldn’t track the time with his heart pounding in his ears and his head spinning, but he could sense the car picking up speed. They were probably on the highway now, and he hoped the danger had passed.
Howell was clearly working against the Luchesi family. There was no other reason he would have betrayed them and helped Trev and Jupiter escape.
Of course, the big question was why?
Did Howell plan to barter Trev back to Cold himself? What was his motivation for all of this?
Howell eventually pulled off onto an exit, judging by how the car slowed and came to a stop. The car got going again at a much slower speed, though Trev hesitated to move from his spot in the floorboard.
“Riverwood Acres?” Jupiter asked. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Howell snorted. “We made it here in one fuckin’ piece, didn’t we? Who the fuck cares where it is?”
“Is it safe to fucking sit up?” Trev mumbled.
“Yeah, go ahead,” Jupiter said.
Trev crawled back into the seat and looked around.
It was a long strip of fancy condos, and Howell parked in front of one with big bushes and a colorful doormat. “Home sweet home!”
Jupiter aimed his gun at Howell.
“Hey!” Howell pouted. “Seriously? After I saved your fuckin’ asses? I thought we was past all that shit.”
“Guess not.” Trev batted his eyes sweetly. “Sorry not sorry.”
“We’re gonna get out real nice and slow,” Jupiter said. “Once we get inside, we’re going to have a nice conversation, okay? Real civilized like.”