Page 89 of Ready to Cash Out
“This could be fun,” Jimmy said cheerfully. “I can’t remember the last time I took a road trip anywhere. We can make it there and back in a day, right?”
Rowena slipped her arm through Trev’s. “Come on! Let’s go get you packed! I just need to call my boyfriend and let him know I’m going out for a bit.”
Jimmy took Trev’s other arm, and they all headed to the stairs together. “I can take some more time off from the firm. I don’t have any active cases right now.”
“Not enough innocent people in Strassen, huh?” Rowena teased.
“Definitely not.”
Cold hadn’t moved from his chair, but still he called after them. “None of you are leaving this house.”
“Love you, Roddy! Bye!” Rowena waved.
“Love you so much!” Jimmy cooed sweetly.
“Are we really doing this?” Trev asked when they reached the second floor. “You guys are really going to take me back?”
“Trust us,” Rowena said with a wink.
“We know what we’re doing,” Jimmy added.
Trev was hopelessly lost, but he allowed Jimmy and Rowena to lead him back to his room. “So, should I pack…? Or what?”
“Just wait.” Rowena shut the door.
Trev quirked his brows. “Will one of you explain what the fuck is happening right now? Because are we really about to go back to Perry City or not?”
“What?” Jimmy laughed. “No, it’s all right. We won’t have to.”
There was a polite knock at the door.
Jimmy answered it with a sweet smile.
It was Cold. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was scowling. He looked pissed.
“Hi, honey,” Jimmy chirped fearlessly. “What is it?”
“Something wrong?” asked Rowena with a bat of her eyes.
“I know what you two are up to,” Cold warned, “and it’s not going to work this time.”
“What isn’t?”
“Is there a problem?” Jimmy asked.
Cold growled.
Well, that was a terrifying sound Trev didn’t know a human man could make.
“Just so we’re clear, whatever this is?” Trev gestured to Rowena and Jimmy. “It’s their thing, okay?”
“There is no need for anyone to go anywhere,” Cold snapped. “Trust me that everything will be resolved by this evening. And yes, that includes the predicament with Mr. Prospero.”
“What are you talking about?” Trev demanded. “You were about to let me walk out of here.”
“Was I?” Cold hummed. “Allowing you to throw a little tantrum is hardly letting you leave the premises, Trev.”