Page 18 of Sinful Brothers
From: Theodore Russell
To: Taylor Moss
Subject: New Meeting Time
Good Afternoon Miss Moss,
Please may you come to my office for an earlier meeting, four p.m. does not work anymore.
Theodore Russell
I send my email and my eyes are watching for a response, finger tapping on my mouse.
The sound of mail fills the room.
From: Taylor Moss
To: Theodore Russell
Subject: RE: New Meeting Time
Afternoon Mr Russell,
I think you and Lucas need a hobby. I am working and cannot bring my meeting forward.
I will see you at four p.m., like we agreed.
Taylor Moss.
My lips twitch. Lucas has had her again and it pisses me off. I type a response.
From: Theodore Russell
To: Taylor Moss
Subject: RE: RE: New Meeting Time
If you do not get here within the next two minutes, I am going to fuck your virgin ass and ruin you for any other man. Including Lucas.
I hope you don’t have favourites. We don’t do that here.
Theodore Russell
My cock is aching at the thought to be the one to fuck her ass.
From: Taylor Moss
To: Theodore Russell