Page 2 of Sinful Brothers
“James!” I hiss, reaching for my compact mirror to check how bad my make-up looks.
“Taylor!” he whisper shouts, “Where the fuck are you?”
All poshness to his voice gone in an instant.
“In traffic, are the demon twins in yet?”
I hear a small commotion and rustling down the line.
“They’re walking in now and man oh man do they look angry.”
“Great,” I groan, running my ring finger under my eyes to try and wipe the smudged mascara away.
“How far out are you?”
I look through the middle of the taxi.
“Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes…” I trail off just as the taxi driver’s eyes meet mine in the rearview with raised eyebrows.
“Just get here as quick as you can, I’ll stall them for as long as I can.”
“Thanks James.”
I cut the phone off then slide into my book club group.
Already over today, roll on tonight. Xo
I can’t wait for you to come! I’ve got some lemon and poppyseed muffins baking at the moment, also me and Cody have been experimenting with some bookish themed cocktails!
Is it five p.m. yet? I cannot wait to delve into this book with you guys… did you get to chapter fourteen yet??!?!
Noooo!! I am on chapter three! I’m all for the dad’s best friend trope though… *sigh* oh to be a leading female book character.
Chapter fourteen!? How have you not got to the ice scene yet…
Ice!? Brb, going to try and sneak a couple of pages in
Yeah… ice.
Ugh, I am so jealous. Didn’t get much read last night because of my presentation, but I will try and get some read during lunch!! Gtg, so late for work xoxox.
I lock my phone and slip it back into my bag.