Page 48 of Unforgivable Fate
“It’s what makes me so much fun.” She preened.
“That it does, my mate.” He leaned down and hoisted her off the floor, letting her arms and legs wrap around him, “That it does.”
“Mmm, is that a yes to going back to bed then?”
“I think if you want to get dirty we should take a shower.”
“Mmm, such a smart man.” She nuzzled his neck as he walked them towards the bedroom where the master bath was attached.
Halfway there, a loud knocking came from the back door and Nova groaned. Griffin sighed. Nova tucked her face against his neck and whispered that they should ignore it.
“Can’t. Special wolf hearing, remember? Whoever it is already knows we’re home.”
“Then they should be able to tell we’re busy and go away.” She didn’t bother to keep her voice down, frustrated by the interruption when she’d already been thinking of the delicious ways she could bring her mate to his knees in the shower.
“Nova?” A familiar voice called out from the other side of the door and her eyes went wide with surprise. “Nova, I’m sorry. I know you hate people showing up at your house but I need your help. Please. Come outside.”
“Just a second.” She yelled back, wiggling until Griffin let her slide down his body to her feet. She gave him an apologetic look. “She wouldn’t be here, or sound like that, if it wasn’t an emergency.”
“Sweetheart, I’m well aware that our lives are going to involve interruptions from your family members.” Griffin kissed her forehead. “Now go see what your sister needs and I’ll turn off the shower.”
“Thank you.” Nova squeezed his arm before moving towards the back door, thankful she’d pulled her t-shirt and shorts on from the night before when she went to get the water. Normally if she woke up naked, which happened a lot over the last couple weeks since Griffin moved in, she’d just stroll to her kitchen in her birthday suit and then crawl back into bed with him. Something had told her to get dressed this morning though and again, her instincts had served her well. She opened the door and her eyes widened when she saw the twins having a sword fight with downed tree limbs on top of her picnic table and her sister ignoring them despite their wild shouts, “Uh… hi?”
Luna stood on the back porch, not far from the same spot where she had stood the night she came to convince Nova to give Griffin a chance. That was just about the only thing that matched up with the memory of that night though. Instead of looking poised and in control, the dignified Queen of the Moirae Pack looked absolutely exhausted and as if she’d dressed in the dark. Nova couldn’t help it when she gaped at her sister’s appearance.
Never, in all her years, had she seen Luna look so disheveled. Her hair was in a hastily put together wrap with curls springing free all over the place. She wore no makeup and dark circles made her eyes look puffy. Her eyes were tired, lacking the spark they usually had, and Nova immediately sensed the smell of sick on her older sister.
“Oh God… Luna?” She started to reach for her sister but Luna stepped back quickly.
“Don’t. Not yet.”
“Okay.” Nova held her hands up innocently. “What’s wrong?”
“I need your help.”
“You said that already.”
A big presence moved up from behind Nova and she instantly felt a rush of calm energy. It was Griffin’s she knew. He was so good at that. He got even a hint of anxiety from her and he sent all of his practiced calm control through the bond to her.
“Hey, Griffin.” Luna tried to smile at him but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m glad you’re here too.”
“Of course. What can I do for you?”
“Would you be a dear and watch the boys, just for a little while? I need Nova to do something for me and I can’t let the boys hear us talking.” She bit her lip, as if she was in pain, “Do you mind?”
“Not at all. It would be a pleasure to hang out with them for a bit.” He glanced to Nova, “Are you two going inside or do you need the backyard?”
“She prefers we don’t come inside the house so you could take the boys on a little hike maybe?” Luna seemed to wince again and touched her head. She groaned and spun to her children suddenly, “Kobe! Kyler! Get off your Aunt Nova’s table right now!”
“But Mom!” They both whined in unison.
“They’re fine.” Nova reassured her oldest sister. “And you can come in. The boys will be fine in the backyard with Griffin.”
Luna looked surprised, “Are you sure?”
“I have better control of my visions now than I used to so… yeah, come on in.” She moved aside and Luna slipped past with a grateful smile.
Griffin waited until Luna had turned the corner to the living room and was out of sight before he whispered, “She doesn’t look so good.”