Page 63 of Unforgivable Fate
“Both. Neither. The sun is up and my beautiful mate is naked and looking sexy as hell. Sleep is the last thing I’m thinking about right now.”
Nova harrumphed, “I need a shower before you go getting any ideas. I feel gross. I think my wolf rolled in a dead animal’s remains or something.”
Griffin laughed, “I don’t smell anything.”
“You’re nose blind then, because you smell terrible too.”
He caught her around the waist and tugged her until she was draped over his side, “Well, if we both smell terrible, there’s no point keeping our distance.”
“Griffin.” She groaned, “You know I’m not a morning person.”
He did. He had learned that very quickly once he’d moved in with her. Nova could be an absolute bear if you woke her up before her alarm went off. The woman loved her sleep and robbing her of even a moment could get someone on her grumpy side for the entire day.
“Let’s go home then. We can shower and go back to bed. Our real bed.” He pointed over her head, “I can see the top of the house from here. We almost made it all the way home last night so there’s not too far to go.”
“I’m too tired to get up and move right now.” Nova yawned, “Let’s just stay here for a while longer.”
“Okay, sweetheart. Just for a little while longer.” He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head.
Griffin stared up at the brightening sky and breathed in the cool autumn air. This, right here, was perfection. It was everything he’d ever wanted, far more than he needed, and he would never give it up.
This was home. He had finally found it. After all the years, all the packs, all the traveling, he’d come to Noir to set his brothers' mistakes right and ended up finding the life that was right for him.
His mate was here. A powerful Alpha wolf from one of the oldest known shifter bloodlines. A Seer with a magical ability to predict the future. Nova DeLuca was beautiful, smart, powerful, sassy and his perfect match in every way.
She had given him a family, one completely unlike the dysfunctional mess he’d left behind. Her family, his family now, was the kind that looked after one another and considered themselves friends just as much as relatives. The DeLuca’s defined close-knit with all of the sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews.
He couldn’t wait to add to their numbers, to grow their family, when he and Nova decided it was time for children of their own. And the time would come. He knew it would. Because they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.
“Nova?” He slid his hand to where hers rested against his chest and she sighed.
He smiled as her fingers laced through his. He’d known she wasn’t asleep despite her protestations. She’d just been enjoying their quiet morning together like he was.
“Hmm?” She hummed without raising her head.
“I think we should get married.”
That jerked her upright and he grinned at her wide-eyed response, “What?”
“I want you to marry me, on the new moon. I want you to be my wife.”
Nova blinked, “The new moon is coming up fast…”
“We can be ready in time. I know we can. We have the whole family to help after all.”
“Are…” She paused and bit her lip, “Are you sure?”
He sat upright so they were face to face, “Nova, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. You’re my mate. You’re already mine by pack law but I want to make it official even outside the pack. I want you to be my wife and I want to be your husband.”
“My husband.” Nova murmured the words as if they were unheard of and he took her hand in his again.
“Nova, will you marry me?”
Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she nodded, “Yes. Yes. Of course I will. I want it to be official too. Let’s do it.”
“It’s my turn to ask, are you sure?” He searched her face for hesitation and breathed a sigh of relief when he found none.
Her chin jutted out, “I’ve told you before, I don’t say things I don’t mean.”