Page 10 of Shadow of Fury
“Whoa, easy.” Logan held his hands up when he felt Dominic’s wolf made itself known. He didn’t shift. His eyes didn’t even go gold with his wolf’s power. But the animal was there, lurking just under the surface of his friend’s skin, and he was angry. Logan could sense him and his eagerness to draw blood. “Easy, Dom. She’s fine.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do, actually.” Logan scoffed. “She’s been texting me updates since I left to find you. She’s up at the house because she’s digging for information, trying to figure out what Dad is up to.”
“She shouldn’t be doing that. It could be dangerous.”
“Yeah, you try telling her that because I already did.”
Logan chuckled when his friend growled, “She’s not the same kid you remember, Dom. She’s stubborn as hell and she gives as good as she takes.”
“She always did.” Dominic scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “You’re sure she’s okay?”
“She’s fine. Promise.”
“Okay.” Dominic seemed to breathe a little easier at the reassurance, “Well, you get back and check on her and we’ll talk more tomorrow. Come up with a plan for what you want to do. If you’re staying, that is.”
“I’m staying.” Logan promised, uncertain he meant it until he tasted the truth of the words on his tongue. “We’ll figure out what Dad’s up to and then we’ll figure out a way to turn things around for our pack.”
“Our pack, huh?” Dominic almost smiled.
“We always said you’d be my second when the time came. Can I still count on you for that?”
“Good.” Logan gave his friend a clap on the back. “Rest. Get the booze out of your system and I’ll check in with you in the morning.”
“Sounds good.” Dominic turned to head up the stairs but paused, “Oh and Logan?”
“It really is good to see you.”
“You too.” He smiled before turning and heading back the way they’d come to retrieve his vehicle.
It had been a long, stressful day, so when he felt his wolf snap to attention inside of him, he inwardly warned the animal to relax. They were not going for a run tonight. Not even if his animal half had been itching to run on pack territory for years. He had more important things to do tonight than let his wolf out to roam the woods of his childhood.
He kept walking but when his wolf lunged for the surface a moment later he nearly lost himself to the change before getting a tight grip on his humanity. He sucked in a gulp of the cool night air, trying to calm his riled animal but that only made the beast inside him roar more fiercely and Logan spun around in confusion.
It wasn’t possible. Logically, rationally, he knew it wasn’t possible. But he couldn’t help himself.
He began to follow the scent that had come to him on the wind, the one that was making his wolf feral with a need to possess and claim, the one that had just sparked the mating bond inside of him, the bond that should have died all those years ago with his mate.
And yet, his wolf roared.
Wren had escaped her sister’s well-meaning lecture on being careful by changing into her running clothes and slipping out the front door while Raven was taking a shower. She knew she’d get yet another speech about taking her safety seriously when she returned but it was worth it. She loved to run because she could let her mind wander and work through the problems of the day. Typically, by the time she was sweaty and panting, she’d either worked out whatever problem was troubling her and knew what her next step would be or she’d realized it wasn’t as big of an issue as she’d originally thought and let it go. There was nothing better than a run to clear her mind, she only wished she could still do it in her wolf form like she used to.
But that wasn’t allowed anymore.
Alpha Kemp had rules about when they were allowed to shift and when they weren’t. The penalties for defying his rules were stiff and brutal. The punishment she’d seen meted out to several of her packmates was the only reason Wren didn’t ignore the decree as the controlling, authoritarian move that it was.
Nobody should have been able to tell a shifter when and where they could let their animal side free, not even a Pack Alpha, but Kemp was on a power trip and there wasn’t anyone left willing to risk his wrath by calling him on it.