Page 37 of Shadow of Fury
“I will. Someday I’ll tell you everything. I promise.”
“You want to keep me safe? Tell me now.”
“Wren…” He caught her wrists when she shoved him again.
Her lips curled, “You can’t keep me safe just like you couldn’t keep Lark safe.”
“This isn’t about Lark!” his own voice rose with frustration.
“Of course it is. Everything is about her. It always has been.”
“Not this. This is about you.”
“Stop pretending you care about me.” She tried to jerk her hands from him but he held tight.
“You think I don’t care?” he growled. “You’re the one that hates me, Wren. Not the other way around.”
“Tell that to your face because when you realized it was me in that alley, me that fate had tied you to, and not my sister, you looked disgusted.”
“I was surprised! Jesus, Wren. I was in shock. I thought Lark was my mate and I lost her and I thought that was it for me but I came back here and there you were. I needed time to wrap my head around the fact that it was you all along. Hell, I’m still trying to comprehend it, but that doesn’t mean I hate you.”
“It doesn’t mean anything because it’s never going to happen.”
“The hell it’s not. You’re mine.” he growled, his wolf all but snarling at her rebuttal.
“Stop saying that! I’m not and I never will be.”
Her eyes flashed with anger and he snapped. He’d known they’d end up this way. It didn’t matter that anyone walking by would be able to see them. It didn’t matter that she hated him. Nothing mattered except the way her fire burned for him and how much he longed for the feel of her in his arms.
“You already are and you know it. You can feel it just like I can feel you. You want me, even if you hate yourself for it.”
“You’re right I…” she started but he didn’t give her a chance to finish.
He used his grip on her wrists to pull her flush against him and slammed his mouth down on hers.
Wren gasped when his mouth crashed into hers. Her body collided with his and the ever-present electricity between them went up in flames. She shivered at the sensation, her body reacting as though she’d grabbed a live wire and all she could do now was hold on for dear life.
He took advantage of her gasp and thrust his tongue inside, stroking deep and possessive. She wanted to shove him away. She wanted to hurt him. But another part of her, a bigger part of her, had known they’d end up like this from the moment he walked in the door.
That part of her, the part that had always wanted someone to care about her, to worry about her, to threaten another on her behalf and choose her over everyone and everything else, needed this.
He needed it too. She could sense it through the bond as it continued to grow and strengthen between them. Soon there would be no going back and as he released her bound wrists to wrap his fingers in her hair and tilt her head exactly where he wanted so he could take the kiss even deeper, she wondered if it wasn’t already far too late for them.
Fighting with him felt good. It made her feel strong. It let her release all the anger she’d been carrying for six years. But kissing him, touching him, feeling his need for her, that felt even better than anything she could have imagined.
Logan pressed his body against her, turning them so that she was backed against her desk. She felt the cool wood against her overheated skin and registered his hands gliding down to her waist a moment before he lifted her. Her breath caught as he set her atop the desk and then gripped her ass, pulling her to the edge so that he was between her legs. Luckily she’d worn a dress that flared so it still covered her but when his hand went to her knee and began to slide upwards, she knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long.
“Damn you.” he muttered, his teeth catching at her bottom lip as his fingers found her panties and the dampness that he’d caused there. “This isn’t why I came here.”
“Isn’t it?” she snapped back at him and he growled before taking her mouth with his again.
Logan ran his fingers over her mound, pressing the silky fabric that covered her. She moaned and her legs fell open wider for him all of their own accord. He took it as the invitation it was and pushed her panties aside to cup her mound, causing her to arch into his touch, her eyes falling shut when pleasure curled deep inside of her.
“You’re so goddamn wet.” He nibbled at her lips, his voice a husky whisper. “Your mouth might say you don’t want me, but your body certainly does.”
His words made something in her chest ache and she tried to bury her face against his chest. She didn't want him to see the truth of his statement in her eyes. But he refused to let her hide from him and used his free hand to tip her chin back up until their eyes met.