Page 40 of Shadow of Fury
Wren felt a cold chill race down her spine, “The Alpha?”
He couldn’t be here. Not right now. Not when the entire office smelled like sex and longing. He’d figure out what was going on between his son and her and there would be no denying it.
“I don’t think so but they’re moving fast in this direction.” Logan surprised her when he gripped her face between his hands and kissed her gently. “This conversation is paused. It’s not over. Not by a longshot.”
She blinked in surprise as he released her and stepped backwards barely a second before the glass door flew open and a female figure charged into the office. At first glance, she thought it must be one of Logan’s many admirers but when she blinked recognition set in. She knew those hazel, gold-flecked eyes. She’d been staring into an almost identical set only moments ago. The woman was beautiful even in disarray. Her hair was lighter than Logan’s and was piled into a haphazard bun on top of her head. She wasn’t wearing makeup and the freckles across the bridge of her nose made her seem younger than she could possibly be. She wore a pair of skin-tight leggings and an oversized t-shirt that hung off her sharp shoulder. One perfectly arched eyebrow rose as she glanced between the two of them and Wren felt heat rush to her face again as she realized it was obvious what they’d been doing.
“Am I interrupting?” She pinned Logan with her quizzical stare but he nonchalantly shrugged.
“Not at all. We were just talking.”
The woman harrumphed, clearly not believing him and Logan rushed on.
“Wren, meet my sister, Vivian.” He motioned between them. “Viv, you remember Wren?”
“Of course.” Vivian offered a smile that was tense and didn’t meet her eyes. “It’s nice to see you again, Wren.”
“You too.” She barely managed to get the words out before Vivian turned back to her brother.
“We need to go. Now.”
“What?” He looked confused and Wren felt it as if it was her own emotion, though maybe it was.
Vivian’s hazel gaze swung back to her, “I’m sorry to steal him away but he’s needed elsewhere.”
“Viv, slow down. What’s going on?” Logan stepped towards his sister as she groaned.
“I came to find you because you were ignoring my calls.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you. I left my phone in the SUV.”
“It doesn’t matter. The point is I’ve been looking for you and now that I’ve found you, we have to go.”
“Go where?”
“Home.” Vivian’s face fell but she caught herself and straightened her shoulders.
Logan’s eyes widened, “Is he…?”
“It’s Mom.” Vivian spoke at the same time. “It’s not good. I don’t know how much time she has left but she wants to see you.”
“She’s awake?” He gaped and Vivian nodded.
Logan spun towards Wren and she could see the mix of panic and fear and strangely enough, excitement, on his face. He started to open his mouth, no doubt to explain that he had to go but she shook him off. She didn’t need any excuses or explanations. She knew as well as anyone that Maren Kemp was dying and if she’d asked to see her son then Wren wouldn’t take even a moment more of his time with her.
“It’s fine. Go.”
“Thank you.” He moved quickly, closing the small space between them and kissing her again, gently, quickly, but still kissing her in front of his sister. “I’ll see you soon.”
And with that, he turned and followed Vivian out of the office. The glass door slammed shut behind them and Wren collapsed into her chair feeling as though she’d been through a tornado. When she’d woken up this morning, she never could have predicted the twists and turns the day held in store.
She closed her eyes, trying to ground herself, but all she could see was Logan’s handsome face and those sparkling golden eyes of his. She opened her eyes again and groaned. His last words replayed through her head and made her swallow hard.
If they were a promise, why did they feel like a threat?
Vivian had left their mother’s old BMW sitting on the street with the driver’s side door open so Logan simply slid into the passenger seat as she raced around the front of the car and got in. His SUV was parked on a side street but it would be fine until he could return for it. He buckled his seatbelt as Vivian put the car in drive and practically peeled out.