Page 42 of Shadow of Fury
“He doesn’t know she’s awake.” Vivian shot him a sideways glance. “Sunny said Mom didn’t want him to know. She said she only wanted to see us, that there was something she needed to tell each of us.”
“And you already talked to her?”
“What did she say?”
Vivian chewed on her bottom lip, “That’s between her and me. Sorry.”
“So it’s not the same thing she wants to tell me?” He frowned when his sister shrugged.
“I don’t know. I just know she asked me to find you when I told her you’d already left for the day. She said it was important so I came to find you. I didn’t even finish getting dressed, just tossed on some sandals, grabbed the keys from the hook and took off for town.”
“And you think there’s any way Dad didn’t notice you racing out of the house?”
“He’s never noticed me before.” Vivian pulled into the circle drive and came to an abrupt stop. “But there’s only one way to find out.”
Vivian killed the engine and pushed her door open so Logan followed her lead and got out of the car. He jogged towards the house, not wanting to waste another minute. He stepped through the doorway and was immediately greeted with a scowling, red-faced, sickly-looking version of his father. He pulled up short to keep from running him over when he blocked the stairs and Vivian ran into his back.
“Move.” Logan demanded but his father only sneered.
“You’re not going up there.”
“The hell I’m not.”
“Your mother is dying. I’m trying to help you, son. You don’t need to see that.”
“You’re the one she doesn’t want to see and we all know why.” Vivian snapped from over his shoulder and Byron growled at his daughter, but she wasn’t the same scared little girl he remembered. “You did this to her. You made her sick and then you moved her to the guest room upstairs so you wouldn’t have to watch her fade away. Well you got your wish because she doesn’t want you anywhere near her.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, little girl.”
Logan stepped forward, putting himself right in his father’s face, “I’m going up those stairs to see my mother before she passes on. You can move or I can move you. Your choice.”
He steeled himself for a blow or at the very least more threats. His father stared at him for a tense moment but ultimately stepped aside. Logan’s eyes widened in surprise but he took the win and pushed Vivian up the stairs ahead of him to keep her out of their father’s firing line, just in case.
He noted the surrender and felt a surge of power that came with knowing his father’s hold over them was lessening. He never would have stepped aside if he thought he could take Logan in a fight. Never. He wondered if it had something to do with the bond. If his mother was truly dying because of something her husband did then he hoped the old bastard could feel every ounce of fear and pain that she must be feeling as the end came for her.
At the top of the stairs, Logan paused, glancing down the hallway opposite his and Vivian’s childhood room. The door to the guest room was shut but he knew what waited on the other side. He took a deep breath, trying to steel himself to see his mother again, knowing it would be the last time more than likely.
“You can do this.” Vivian reassured him with a gentle squeeze on his shoulder.
“You’re not coming in with me?”
She gave him a small, sad, smile, “No. I already spoke to her and said my goodbyes, just in case. It’s your turn.”
Logan swallowed hard but straightened his spine and reminded himself that he was a grown man now. He wasn’t a child. He wasn’t a teenage boy. He was the heir to the pack, the eldest son of the Alpha and the Queen. He could handle whatever it was she had to say to him because he had to. That was his birthright.
He opened the door slowly, pausing when he saw Sunny sitting by his mother’s side again. The pretty blonde stood at the sight of him and moved towards him. She paused at his side and gave him an apologetic look.
“She’s fading fast. I’m sorry.”
His gut clenched, “Is she…”
“She’s still awake but she’s not as clear headed as she was earlier. She’s short on breath so she speaks slowly and it doesn't always make sense.” Sunny winced, “I’m sorry. I know you’d have liked to talk to her the way Vivian did but…”
When she trailed off Logan gave a brisk nod, “It’s okay. I’ll take whatever time I have left with her.”
“She doesn’t have much longer, Logan. I can sense that death is close.” She gave him a meaningful look and then turned and left the room, shutting the door behind her.