Page 61 of Shadow of Fury
His voice broke on the last please and so did her heart. She nodded and he pulled her closer. She leaned into him even though the wooden arm of the chair dug into her side. Her pain was nothing compared to his so she hugged him close and stroked his hair as he leaned his head against her shoulder.
She still marveled at the fact that she could sense his emotions, feel him inside of her. They were linked in such a profound and spiritual way now. She’d always heard that the bond between two wolves was intense but now she understood why it was so unbreakable. They were so deeply entwined now, his soul and hers, fused together, that even thinking of being apart from him made her ache with a loneliness that she knew would swallow her whole.
Wren wasn’t sure how long they sat like that, arms around one another, sharing their strength. It was long enough that the pain of the chair jabbing into her side had faded completely. She couldn’t feel anything except her overwhelming need to take care of this man who was hers and his intense sadness and worry. It could have been ten minutes or two hours before the sliding doors opened again and Dominic McMurtry came storming through them.
He looked like hell, Wren noted as Logan sat upright beside her. Then again, she assumed they all looked that way after the events of the day. She and Logan neither one had bothered to go and clean themselves up and clearly neither had Dominic before coming to the hospital.
“Alpha.” Dominic gave a curt nod and Logan flinched beside her.
“I came as soon as I could get away. How is she?”
Logan shook his head, “We haven’t gotten any updates yet. She was still unconscious when we arrived. They said she’d lost a lot of blood but the head wound seemed to be healing itself, slowly, but healing nonetheless.”
“That’s a good sign.” Dominic took a deep breath, but Logan shook his head.
“The paramedics said they were more concerned with what might be going on inside her head. Something about a possible brain bleed or trauma. They couldn’t be sure but I figure the doctors are running tests.”
“And they haven’t told you anything?” Dominic scowled.
“No, but you’re welcome to wait with us.” Wren offered when Logan didn’t immediately respond.
“Alpha?” Dominic glanced at Logan again and she furrowed her brow in confusion.
That was the second time Dominic had said that word. The first time she’d thought he was going to tell them something about the Alpha’s condition. She’d expected the doors to open behind him again and the paramedics to come back through wheeling him in but the doors stayed shut and a heavy weight filled her chest. She had missed something amid her shock and horror in that office, something important, and now it was finally sinking in.
“Yes, wait with us.” Logan nodded.
“Actually, I was…” Dominic started but Wren couldn’t keep the words inside for another second and they burst out of her.
“Why does he keep calling you Alpha?”
Logan shut his eyes and groaned. Dominic’s lips thinned. Neither man opened his mouth to answer her question and she scowled but waited.
Slowly, he opened his eyes, “Because he’s a dick who is more worried about protocol than being my friend right now?”
Dominic grunted.
Wren glared, “I’m serious.”
Logan sighed, “I know. I’m sorry. I just… I don’t want to deal with it right now.”
“You don’t really have a choice anymore, Alph…” Dominic started but Logan held up a hand.
“Stop calling me that. You’re my second. You’re allowed to call me by my damn name.”
Dominic nodded, “Okay, Logan, but it’s still true. There’s a lot for you to do. First off, maybe you should tell your mate.”
Logan sighed and turned to face her, “Wren, you know the answer to your question. Deep down, you already know. I’m the Pack Alpha now because my father is dead.”
“What?” She gaped at him, looking between the two men as if they were going to tell her it was a joke. “He’s dead? But I thought… the ambulance was going to go back for him.”
“With a body bag.” Dominic offered and Logan pursed his lips.
“He’s really dead?” She gaped at them.
She had been in shock when they were at the office, and she’d purposefully given the old man a wide berth on her way to Logan and Vivian. He hadn’t deserved even an ounce of her care or attention. But Dominic had been with him, and she’d assumed… well, she’d assumed a lot apparently.