Page 67 of Shadow of Fury
“Not yet, thornbird.” He booped her nose, trying to lighten the mood and she smacked his hand away, causing him to chuckle. “In case you’ve forgotten, we haven’t completed the bond yet. There’s still one thing left for us to do, if it’s what you really want.”
“Our wolves.” She nodded. “They have to mate too for the circle to be sealed. Two halves. One whole.”
“We can wait until the full moon, wait until things settle a little and take some time to get to really know one another better…”
Wren crawled out of the bed and rolled her eyes, “My wolf is done waiting, Logan.”
“Thank god. Because mine is about to crawl out of my skin.”
She grinned, “You want to shift together or…”
He shook his head, “You go first. I want to see her. And then I want to claim you the way our kind has for generations.”
“Deal.” She turned and opened the window. “So we can get out and then back in.”
“Smart girl.”
Logan watched from his place on the bed as his beautiful mate took a deep breath and then let it out, giving control to her animal side. Her bones snapped and popped just as they did for every shift. She twisted and her face contorted for a moment, making him wish he had some magical ability to take away her pain, but then that look disappeared entirely and when he blinked again a gorgeous black and tan wolf stood before him with golden glowing eyes.
He marveled as she gave a shake, adjusting to her new surroundings. She tilted her head at him and then moved closer, nuzzling her face against his arm until he pet her head. She made a loud purring noise and his heart filled with an emotion so powerful it nearly undid him.
“Such a pretty girl.” He met the wolf’s golden gaze and smiled as he let his own wolf climb to the surface, “And mine, all mine.”
“At least our wolves managed to find some version of a bed for their first time.” Logan harrumphed and Wren couldn’t contain a giggle.
They were lying naked in a small patch of green grass beneath a tree. The sound of the nearby creek was a soft song on the breeze. It truly was a beautiful spot and since Logan had made no move to get up after their wolves receded and gave the reins back to their human forms, she’d curled against him and closed her eyes to enjoy the moment of peace after all they’d been through.
Logan had been drifting, stroking her hair, and she’d been on the verge of sleep herself when he finally spoke. She giggled and then laughed wholeheartedly at the absurdity of her mate’s thoughts.
“Seriously. What is your obsession with getting me into a bed?” She rolled up onto an elbow to grin at him.
“I don’t know. I just think that's what you deserve. The best of everything, including a comfortable bed with luxurious sheets and the kind of mate who takes the time to make love to you gently, and worship every inch of you.” He reached a hand up and cupped her cheek. “Our first time was fast and rough. There was nothing sweet about it, certainly not with how that night ended.”
Her heart ached at this sweet side of him that she’d never imagined, “Logan, I don’t regret it. We came together and that’s what’s important.”
“Still, if I could go back, I’d have taken more time and more care with you.”
She lifted an eyebrow, “Who says you have to go back to do that?”
His raised his own brows, “Now? Here?”
Wren shrugged, “You said yourself, our wolves found a nice little bed for themselves. I don’t think they’d mind if we took advantage of it too.”
“Are you sure you’re not too sore? The wolves were…”
“Intense.” She finished for him when he trailed off. “Yeah, they were. Do you think they’ll always be like that or do you think they were so riled up because we put off completing the bond?”
“I don’t know. But I do know that now the bond is completed, I can feel you inside me, right here.” He lifted her hand and placed it on his chest, just over his heart. “It’s like, something inside me finally clicked into place, the missing piece, as if you should have been there all along.”
“I feel it too.” Wren whispered softly, leaning down to press her lips to the spot where her mating mark scarred his skin. “You’re mine, Logan Kemp.”
“And you’re mine.” He lifted his hand to her face and pulled her closer so he could brush their lips together.
The kiss was gentle in a way that melted everything inside of Wren. He kissed her like that for a long time. Slow, sweet draws of his lips against hers, of his velvet tongue delving into her mouth to twine with her own. He kissed her until she felt dizzy with lack of air and drunk on the power of the emotions that he stirred inside her.
When he rolled her beneath him and loomed over her, her breath caught. The morning sunlight glinted off his skin and framed him like a halo. He looked like a fallen angel in that moment, shift and sex rumpled, with a flicker of mischief that twisted his lips and a flash of gold possessiveness reflecting in his eyes.