Page 69 of Shadow of Fury
Logan held himself firm when she tugged on him.
“I love you, Wren. For all those reasons and more. I love you.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “No.”
“No?” He tilted his head and did something with his hips that made her gasp, but she refused to be distracted.
“No. You do not get to say that for the first time while you’re inside me.”
“I kind of already did.” His eyes twinkled as he pulled out and thrust back in again.
“It doesn’t count.” she harrumphed, “Sex-addled love declarations don’t count.”
“Says who?” He was smiling now.
“Fine. I’ll tell you again after I blow your mind so hard you won’t even remember this conversation.”
“Just shut up and make me come already.”
“Whatever my mate wants.” He leaned down and put his teeth against his mating mark and then he began to thrust his hips harder and faster. “My mate gets.”
Their bodies moved as one, lifting and falling as they joined again and again. Wren lost herself to the moment. The only thing in the world that mattered in that moment was this man who fate had deemed hers and hers alone. He licked his mating mark and her body tensed expectantly. He grunted and one of his hands went between her legs again, finding her clit and rubbing in time with her thrusts. She felt like a bowstring, strung too tight, and just when she was sure she would break, he gently bit her and sent her soaring over the edge into oblivion again.
She was vaguely aware of him thrusting through her orgasm, of the feel of his cock deep inside her as his seed filled her, and she had a momentary second of panic that he would get her pregnant. And then she remembered that he was her mate. He was her forever. If, or rather when, she became pregnant, he would take care of her and their pup and when their child came into the world they’d be a family.
And they would be so much better parents than either of their own had been.
She closed her eyes and let the moment carry her away, the peace she’d found with him staying with her even when the heat of their bodies began to wane. Logan rolled, taking her with him so that she settled half atop him where he lay on his back. She closed her eyes and listened to the fast beating of his heart and the way her own matched it in every way.
They lay like that for a long time, not saying a word, completely content, before eventually he broke the silence.
“Wow.” Logan breathed the single word out in wonder and Wren smiled against his chest. “That was…”
“Intense.” She finished for him again and felt him chuckle.
He wrapped her in his arms and she nuzzled into his side. The sun was high overhead now and only the cover of the tall trees kept them in the cool shade. The creek gurgled nearby and birds called to one another. Wren closed her eyes and wished that they could stay like this forever, just the two of them, lost in one another, without the distraction of the outside world and the demands it would bring with it.
As if he was reading her mind, and really, with the mate bond fully formed now, maybe he was, Logan sighed, “I don’t want to go back yet.”
“Back to the house?” She traced a pattern on his chest.
“Back to reality.” He tugged her hair gently until she looked up at him and he brushed a kiss over her forehead, “If we were a normal couple we could stay out here until the full moon, mating and bathing in the creek, eating our fill of one another and only returning to civilization when we were good and ready but…”
“But nothing about us being a mated pair could be called normal.” Wren agreed with a sigh of her own. “So tell me, what do we need to do first?”
“Well, first we should probably take a shower and find some clothes.” He smirked and she jabbed him in the ribs playfully. “Seriously though, there’s so much to do I’m not even sure where to start.”
“You’re not in this alone.” Wren promised.
“I know. I know and I’m so thankful for that, and for you. It’s just that, there’s going to be a lot of questions, a lot of things to answer for in the coming days. I wish I could say things will be easier now that my father’s no longer in power but the truth is, I think it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.”
“It’s not fair that you have to be the one to answer for the things that evil son of a bitch did.”
“Someone has to explain and try to make it right. As the new Pack Alpha, that’s my job. I need to bring everyone together so I think I’ll get with Darren and have the enforcers put out the word that there’s a town hall and attendance is mandatory. Try to get as many pack members in one room as I can, today if possible, so there’s less chance of whispers and gossip turning things upside down.”
“Good idea.” She nodded.