Page 72 of Shadow of Fury
Logan hadn’t thought that far ahead. He’d been more focused on finding the unmarked graves and doing right by those his father had harmed in the most egregious of ways. He wanted to use Darren’s knowledge to have markers placed for each pack member so they could be properly honored. He had so much going on, he hadn't stopped to think about the pack members who had fled for their own safety but the hope that lit Dillon’s face made the decision for him.
“Find them then,” He put a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “I’m giving you the task of helping us rebuild our pack by tracking down those who left out of fear. Find our lost pack members and tell them it’s safe to come home. You can take as many others as you need, form a taskforce and get to work.”
Dillon bit his lip, “What if I find them and they don't want to come home?”
“Then you give them my apologies for what my father did and you leave them to their new lives.” Logan gave Dillon’s shoulder a squeeze. “You think you can handle that?”
“Absolutely, Alpha.”
Logan could sense the urge to run in the other man and nodded, “Head back to town and put together a team and a plan. We’ll meet to discuss it tomorrow.”
“Yes, really. Now go.”
“Dad, can you get back to town on your own?”
“He’s not on his own. I’ll make sure he gets home.”
“Thanks.” Dillon managed a smile for the first time since they saw the clearing. “Thank you, Alpha.”
He turned and all but sprinted back into the forest. Logan watched him go before turning back to find Darren watching him. The old man looked as though he wanted to say something but he turned away. Logan didn’t let him get away with it.
“Nothing.” Darren shook his head, “It’s just…you’re going to be a great Pack Alpha.”
“I’m going to try.”
“You care and that’s more than enough to get us started.”
Logan hesitated, not wanting to ruin the moment but Darren raised an eyebrow.
“My turn to ask. What is it?”
“You said we could get started but, I guess I need to know if you’re planning to stay on and help me get this pack back on track. I’d love to have your years of knowledge and experience. You know this pack better than anyone and your guidance would be invaluable.”
Darren gave a sad smile, “You’ll have it, whatever you need. I’m happy to help. But being second to an Alpha is a young man’s game. Besides, I know you and Dominic always planned to lead the pack together and I think that’s how it should be. The next generation is who should be guiding the pack into the future.”
“Dominic has enough on his plate right now.” Logan scowled but Darren only chuckled.
“Don’t be angry with him. You know better than anyone that there’s no controlling fate. We don’t choose who we bond with. Fate does.”
“I know.” Logan grumbled, And I’m not angry that he sparked a bond with my sister. I’m upset that he didn’t have the common courtesy to tell me what had happened.”
“You also had a lot on your plate at the time.” Darren pointed out. “And you still do. You need him. You two have always balanced each other and together I think you know you were always meant to have him at your side when it came time to lead this pack.”
“I know.”
“Besides, you’ll be more than just friends soon. You’ll be family. Brothers. Just like it was always meant to be.”
Logan eyed the old man skeptically, “You knew didn’t you? You knew about Viv and Dom?”
“I had a feeling.” Darren shrugged and when Logan raised an eyebrow he smirked. “When you boys were teenagers, that sister of yours followed you around everywhere. Do you remember that?”
“Yeah. Annoyed the crap out of me.”
“Know who it didn’t annoy?” Darren shrugged. “I saw it then, in the way he looked at her, the way he always made room for her and checked that she had whatever she needed.”