Page 74 of Shadow of Fury
“Thank you for coming up here. I know you didn’t want to and I completely understand why you would want to avoid this house. God knows, Logan and I avoided it for years, but I’m glad you came.”
Wren tried for a smile she didn’t feel, “It’s just nice to see you feeling better, Vivian.”
“Oh, come now. You can call me Viv. Everyone does.”
“Everyone but Dominic apparently.” Logan grumbled, shooting a glance around, “And where is my Head Enforcer, Vivi?”
“Don’t start.” Vivian and Wren said at the same time and Logan’s eyebrows shot up with amusement.
“Thank you.” Vivian reached out and squeezed her shoulder before turning back to her brother. “And for the record, he isn’t here. I don’t know where he is any more than you do and I do not want to talk about him right now.”
Wren knew someone would have to bend in that argument eventually but that right now wasn’t the time, so she changed the subject back to their reason for being there, “Viv, you said on the phone you had something for us?”
“A wedding present, yes.” Her smile returned.
“Well, where is it?” Logan was still being petulant and Wren gave his hand a squeeze, shooting him a look that told him to be nicer to his sister.
“Well…” Vivian drawled, seemingly oblivious to her brother’s attitude. She held her hands out wide, “You’re looking at it.”
“What?” Logan said at the same time Wren winced. “No.”
Logan didn’t seem to understand but Wren did, instantly. The Kemp family estate wasn’t just a house. It had been the home of every Pack Alpha for generations. As the eldest son and the heir, it had passed to Logan after his father’s death. He’d been staying with Wren at her house and though neither of them had discussed where they would live after the wedding, they both knew it wouldn’t, couldn’t, be here.
“Yes. And don’t freak out.” Vivian rushed on quickly when Wren started to shake her head. “At least until you hear me out? Please?”
“Viv…” Logan was shaking his head now. “I know you mean well but I already told you, this place has too many bad memories for the both of us. It’s why I told you to do whatever you wanted with it. We don’t want it.”
“Will you please just come inside and let me show you what I’ve done? If it doesn’t change your mind, okay, but please, give me a chance.” Her hazel eyes pleaded. “This is the Alpha’s house and you’re the Alpha and the Queen now. It belongs to you. Please at least come inside before you make up your mind.”
Wren and Logan exchanged a look. She wanted to run. She’d been wary enough about coming to this place when she thought they were only picking up something. Finding out that Vivian had some harebrained idea that she could make it a home for them was a step too far. Still, she could feel Logan’s hesitation through the bond. He wanted to sweep her up and get her out of there and never look back but he also didn’t want to hurt his sister’s feelings.
“We’ll come in for a minute.” Logan hedged, glancing between them. “But…”
“No buts. That’s fine. That’s all I need.” Vivian squealed with victory as she waved them forward. “Okay, so, I haven’t made it to the exterior of the house itself yet but that’s going to get a whole new look too. There were just more important things to start with. Things that might convince you that you can make this place a true home, one like we never had.”
Wren held tight to Logan’s hand as they stepped through the large doorway into the house. She had only been inside the house itself once before, when she was young and Vivian had hosted a pool party for her birthday. Everyone in her grade at school had been invited and Wren had begged until Lark had begrudgingly let her tag along.
She’d tried so hard not to think about that swimming pool where her sister ended up drowning but she realized now that she must have also blocked out what the house itself looked like… that or someone had completely changed it.
She glanced at Logan whose mouth had fallen open and got her answer. It had changed and from the look of hope on Vivian’s face, clearly she was the designer behind the new look. She may have only been out of the hospital a few days but she had been a very busy woman from the look, and sound, of it.
Now that they were inside the house, Wren could hear men calling to one another from somewhere nearby. A radio played softly, music drifting down the stairs and it was interrupted by the sound of a saw and hammers. It felt as though they’d walked into a construction zone, which was fitting since that was exactly what Vivian had been up to.
“What did you…” Logan turned in a circle, dragging Wren with him since she didn’t release his hand. “How did you do all of this?”
“Never underestimate a woman on a mission.” Vivian smiled and then turned her attention to Wren, “Right?”
“Right?” she answered hesitantly.
“Brother, why don’t you let me walk you both through the changes I've made, for Wren, since she doesn’t know what it looked like before…”
“That’s really not necessary.” Wren started but Vivian held up a hand.
“I know that telling you I removed every item in the house that belonged to my parents isn’t going to change your mind about living here. I’m not naive. I know that you must dread the idea of even looking into the backyard.” Vivian glanced at her brother. “Logan hasn’t been able to look at it since we returned either. I get that and I think, well, I hope, that you’ll let me put your worries at ease about that.”