Page 42 of Finally Home
A snort filters through the kitchen, and I spin around so fast I nearly fall off my seat. “Daddy!” I gasp, running straight into his open arms. His chest shakes with suppressed laughter, likely at my expense, but I don’t care. I’m sure he heard most of that, but I kind of hope he did so I don’t have to repeat it.
“Hey there, Starshine. I heard a little rumor that my baby girl got a new beau and a new baby all in one week, and I thought I’d come straight to the source and see if it’s true.” His voice is filled with barely disguised mirth, and I choose to ignore it, releasing him to plop back in my seat just as Dom joins us again.
I take an obnoxiously long sip of my tea and hold eye contact with the three adults staring at me like I’m the second coming of Jesus. “Y’all are worse gossips than ladies at the hair salon the day after church. Do you have nothing better to do than obsess over your children’s love lives?”
They share a glance, but it’s Dominic who shrugs. “Nope. So, tell us, is it official?”
I can’t stop my smile, but I bite down on my lip anyway. “It might be.”
Cheers erupt, and then I’m crushed in a very enthusiastic group hug. Kaci strokes my hair and sniffs. She glances up at her husband, the excitement clear on her face. “You hear that, honey? Wren’s about to legally be our daughter!”
I choke on my own spit and push them off me. “Whoa there.” I gulp some tea. “You’re moving this relationship faster than a knife fight in a phone booth. I’d like to give it more than half a day and be legally divorced before you start to ring wedding bells.”
The dads snicker but Mama Gray just shakes her head and wanders to her office, muttering about bridal magazines.
“Since you mentioned divorce.” My dad sits down beside me. Dominic leans over on the opposite side of the island with a concerned look on his face. “How is that situation? You said Jeremy put you in contact with his lawyer, right?”
I nod, pull up the lawyer’s email on my phone and slide it in front of them. I planned to tell Rho this morning when he got home but…yeah. “Derrick contested the divorce and has threatened to sue.”
I was so angry when I found out and that same anger is reflected on their faces now. “Sue over what?! That son of a bitch cheated on you publicly, and there’s video evidence.”
I grimace and take my phone back so I can put it away. “That’s the problem. He’s claiming defamation of character, specifically libel since the video was emailed to the entire organization yesterday by an unknown source. His agent has somehow twisted it to make it seem like I’m the one who sent it since the video was originally sent to my work email. But Jeremy’s lawyer says he doesn’t have any ground to stand on since the person who sent the video to me in the first place could have easily forwarded it. I’ll likely need to fly back so they can go through my laptop and phone.” I heave a sigh and drop my face into my hands. “And on top of all that, I still have to figure out how Rhodes and I will make things work. My job is in Seattle and his is here. I still have another year in my contract with the team before I can even think about resigning.” My words are mumbled, and I rub my temples. I’ve got a migraine just thinking about all the things I have to do in the coming weeks.
Dad rubs my back like he used to when I was a kid, and my stress ebbs away slowly. “We’re right here with you, Starshine. You have a whole team of people at your back.”
Appreciation washes over me in waves. I don’t know what I did to earn such loyal family and friends, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them. Which also means finding a way to successfully live my life between Charleston and Seattle without giving up my family or my career.
“How are you, Starling?” I ask Wren when she walks into my bedroom. Her four weeks here flew by and technically end tomorrow, but she’s planned a video conference with her team to decide her next steps rather than fly back to do it in person.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t grateful for the extra time with her, but anxiety has been making me nauseous for days as I wonder how we’ll handle a long-distance relationship on top of our hectic work schedules.
Wren dives onto my bed and attaches herself to my side, placing kisses on my bare chest. She relaxes and melts into me and my heart threatens to beat right out of my chest. I spent so long thinking I’d never have her, it’s kind of hard to believe she’s really mine.
“I’m tired,” she sighs. “On top of contesting the divorce and trying to sue me, Derrick’s been texting me nonstop, and they alternate between frantic, mean, and downright gross. I took screenshots and sent them all to the lawyer, but I wish I didn’t have to see it.”
My heart hurts for her. I’m so happy she’s with me now, but I’m sad that she’s going through a situation she fought so hard to avoid. “What kind of things did he send you?” I’m not sure I want to know, but it also kills me that I don’t. I hate that I can’t protect her from this—from him.
With a groan, she pulls her phone from her pocket and gently drops it on my chest. Then she buries her face in my ribs. Her breath tickles, but I try not to squirm. “Feel free to look, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you have to bleach your eyes later.”
Picking up her phone, I realize I don’t know her password. “Uh, Starling?”
She snorts. “one-one-one-five.”
Something about that sticks in my brain, and send a questioning look her way.
Peeking one eye up at me, she raises a brow. “Your jersey number and the year we met.”
My heart cracks wide open, and I brush the hair back from her forehead with a smile. “Fuck, I love you.”
She sighs happily and cuddles closer to my side in answer.
When I open up her texts, the first thing I see is an image I wish I could burn from my retinas. “Jesus Christ, Wren! A little warning would have been nice!” I know I’m yelling but I can’t help it.
I wonder if Wren’s therapist is accepting new clients.