Page 19 of In Prey We Trust
“Eager to see our new digs, baby girl?” I ask as we approach the newly installed reinforced door. Renard and Aubrey went all out to add to the already crazy levels of security the Cappie library had going and it included new doors at every entrance. “I know this seems like a damned fortress, but I swear, the Flying Fearmongers were on a tear. They would have made it bomb-proof if they’d had time.”
Dolly gives me a tired smile, her eyes soft. “They want to keep all of us safe, Fitz. I can’t argue with that and neither can you. Since our last school exploded from magic we thought didn’t exist, I figure we have to prepare for everything, even the impossible.”
“That will make my control freak twin supremely happy. He’s mapped routes between buildings and every single thing that could happen out like he’s in a wartime drama. It’s driving the others batshit.” Swiping my arm over the scanner, I see her surprise and shrug. “Cards and fobs get lost and stolen, baby girl. You’ll get a chip, too.”
Her nose wrinkles. “I’m not a fan of being chipped like a pet.”
“Wait until Chessie uses the scanner I found to see if you are and don’t know. Felix and I had to cut out ones our fucking father probably put in at birth because those scars were old.”
“Just. Fucking. Great,” she mutters. “Why the hell would she always have idiots following me, then?”
Before I can answer, we’re greeted by our family storming down the hall like we’re trying to raid an enemy camp. The simple answer would be because the chips aren’t being actively monitored like a bodyguard can. It’s the same reason I hacked into the Council satellites last year—in case we needed to find someone in danger. Tech like this is more for emergencies than it is continual surveillance, and my guess is almost every heir in the Council families have them, whether or not they know. But she’s not ready to hear that, so I keep my trap shut while my family smothers her in attention.
We deserve a little lovin’ after that damn ambush.
Chessie breaks from her embrace to let Aubrey in and heads for me, squeezing tightly enough to make me grunt in pain. “Oi, love. Be careful. We’re both a little banged up, but nothing the healing won’t fix after a few hours.”
“Banged up?” Felix thunders as he pushes the growling dragon out of the way to look at our girl. “Where are you injured? Renard, call for our friends in the medical bay.”
“I’m okay. Really,” Dolly says in a tired voice. “Fitz is right; we’ll heal.”
“Absolutely not, ma petite lapin. The Raj is right. We will ask a nurse we know to come check you out. Fitzgerald, you will get examined as well. With the Pred Games starting not long after school resumes, we need you both in good shape.”
Oh, shit. I forgot about that. Thank fuck Frenchie McPointyTail bargained for the staff he protects to be sent here.
“I agree. We won’t allow anyone but our own medics to come near us because I don’t trust the staff here yet. Fitz hasn’t finished checking out any of the staff who aren’t from Apex. It’s dangerous to assume anything until we clear them fully.” Aubrey finally stops glaring at Felix for cutting in line, then gives me a look that says ‘hurry, the fuck up, asshole.’ He gestures at the hallway. “Come see our new nest, snack size.”
Baby Girl’s grin brightens, and she reaches out to grab his huge hand. “That would be amazing! I’m excited to see what Chessie said you were all working on. I want to see the tiger den, too, and all the buildings. It’s hard having to learn a whole new place again, but I’m also dying of curiosity. That folder didn’t say shit about anything.”
Renard wrinkles his nose, sniffing. “The perch isn’t quite satisfactory, but everything else will do.”
I roll my eyes and clap him on the back. “Come on, Dark Flight. You can complain about your lack of creepy old buildings while we show our girl the layout here. Eventually, she’ll follow you up to your inadequate roost.”
Dolly giggles and follows as we head to the main room. When we stop, she gasps softly. “Oh, this sunken couch area is amazing. I love how it’s close to the kitchen and the bar. I think it’s big enough for all of us without squeezing.”
“Unless we want to squeeze,” I mumble as I pinch Chess with a playful grin.
Felix gives me a narrow-eyed look, then shakes his head ruefully. “We tried to housebreak him while you were gone, but it obviously failed.”
I’m about to snap back when our girl shrugs and gives me a very soft expression. She walks over and kisses my cheek lightly before she says, “I like him exactly how he is. That goes for all of you, by the way.”
Where the hell did these butterflies in my chest come from?
“We like you just as you are, too, angel,” Chess adds as he glances around the room. “Even if you give us heart attacks.”
“Gives you heart attacks? Were any of you dicks there when she screamed ‘come at me, bro’ at a group of hooded magic fucks?” I shudder and shake my head. “Shaved five years off my life, baby girl.”
“She what?” Felix shouts as his tiger rumbles loudly.
“They were attacking anyway. Why not throw them off guard by projecting confidence?” The smirk she flashes at my tightly wound twin is perfect.
He’s going to lose it in three… two… one…
“Felix, perhaps it would be best if we save the lectures for after she and Fitz recount what happened?” Renard drops onto his favorite spot, sprawling out in a relaxed pose. “Chess, can you contact Bettina? We should have them checked out sooner rather than later.”
The fight drops out of my twin as he nods. With all the greetings and fun, we forgot they wanted us looked at, ensuring there weren’t any issues with healing on our own. His frightened rant will have to wait until we get everyone settled and checked out by the nurses.
If I’m very lucky, it might even be derailed entirely by debriefing our girl on this ridiculous school. Apex was a shark tank full of heirs and rich kids, but Cappie is the home of even worse assholes—it’s filled with children of celebrities, diplomats, and international leaders. In some ways, they’re worse than the kids of Council members or rich business tycoons. These little fuckers have been raised with the same entitlement and money, but they’re far more media savvy than even that Barrington twit.