Page 26 of In Prey We Trust
The feeling of satisfaction flows through me again and I think this time it might be Felix I’m sensing. He’s appreciating my strategic information gathering.
“I’m Chisisi, and these are my brothers, Ramses and Asim,” the playful Sphinx says after their leader nods. It’s not surprising the long-haired one is named after a pharaoh—royalty love to assign their children important names.
Poor Felix and Fitz can attest to that for sure. I’m not sure about Aubrey and Ren, but they don’t like to discuss their pasts, so I have no idea. I shake my head, dispelling that concern as I gesture at each of my men, using their titles purposefully. “This is Felix and Fitzgerald Khan, heirs to the Khan empire, and their adopted brother, Chess. You picked out Lord Draconis, but this is Monsieur Laveaux.”
Renard snorts behind his hand, his tail flicking up to stroke down my spine. “Our Queen forgot to mention she’s Delores Diamond Drew, heir to the Drew Council seat. So humble, ma petit lapin.”
I turn bright red, putting my hands over my face when the triplets look at us in amazement. Unlike Lucille, I’m not a fan of waving my ass around in public; in fact, I only throw that bullshit in the ring when I’m trying to make someone think twice about killing me. I don’t enjoy strutting around making people bow to me because I won a ‘fame’ lottery. “Yes, yes. My mother is a horrid monster and I’m the black sheep… er, bunny, of the house.”
Ramses tilts his head at me, his eyes dark and glittering with something I can’t pinpoint. “Any enemy of the Council is a friend to the Kavarits. They do not serve exotic shifters as much as seek to leverage us for profit. Please give Chisisi your list, Dolly. We will gladly assist you.”
“Make sure you double the order,” Fitz says as he pushes forward. “We need two of everything to use as bait.”
The stoic Asim cracks a small smile. “Your enforcer is thinking ahead, rabbit. Listen to his counsel, as I would do the same if it came to the safety of my mate.”
Oh, god, not the mate thing again.
Even though I know it’s true based on the shit I learned from Zhenga last year, I still haven’t wrapped my head around the whole ‘forever’ thing. I know it’s because I have rejection trauma and I came to the school expecting to die last year, so I haven’t really made long-term life plans. All the online research I did this summer helped me realize that’s why I’m having such a hard time not panicking when it gets mentioned. It’s not at all that I can’t imagine holding onto the guys for as long as we all live; it’s that I’m still sure they’ll find something better and zip off into the sunset.
“Why are you so tense, Princess?” Felix murmurs into my ear as I watch the sphinxes gather my books and papers. “I can sense your prey side spiking.”
Turning my head, I look at the worry on his features and lean forward, giving him an impulsive kiss. The surprised rumble of pleasure soothes me, and I sigh against his lips. “I was thinking about our date. You have so much to compete with, Raj. However will you top it all?”
His laugh is dark and sexy, making my thighs clench. “I think I can manage, Princess. Don’t worry about me; worry about how you’ll make it through without losing your voice.”
Fuck yes.
“I can’t wait, Sir.” He groans and I giggle. This is going to be a long ass day if they’re all going to play with me like this in public, but I’m not complaining.
In fact, I’m looking forward to it.
1 Come
For You
The Princess might have cooled the temperature, but I can sense the unease in the rest of my ambush. Aubrey is still bristling over the pointed emphasis on his name, and Renard swooped in to save the day by taking him and Dolly to the romance section. Small giggles and dark laughs are coming from that area while the arrogant sphinxes gather her textbooks and materials.
I’m a bit surprised by how physical ‘book heavy’ the courses at Cappie are—Apex moved mostly virtual a long time ago. I suppose it would be even harder for the pampered children of the famous to get their work completed by tutors and au pairs if they had, though. My classes aren’t prone to plagiarism and chicanery because they’re mainly physical activity, but I know the others have had the issue even with Apex’s tech.
“What’s on your mind, Felix?” Chess murmurs as he pretends to look at a large table of art books.
My lips curve and I shrug. “Fitz is yammering with those douches and our girl is distracting the dragon. However, it hasn’t settled either of our unease, has it?”
The cheetah turns the color of a tomato, dipping his chin. “Well, no. This is unfamiliar to me, so I’m not sure how to make myself feel less… chest thumpy.”
“It’s good that she brings it out in you, brother. I watched Fitz flounce around like a jackass for years and wondered how you stayed so calm. Now I know confidence was the issue—you had to believe you were worthy of demanding what you wanted.”
His eyes widen and he whispers, “How did you know that?”
“Because Fitz never made you feel less, but you never asked for more until you wanted her. Something about our girl makes us all realize our exile doesn’t define us—even me.” I give him a rueful expression, letting Chess know I’m in a similar boat. “Watching those clowns eye our loved ones isn’t easy, but she made it clear she wanted to be drama-free.”
At that moment, my twin bounces over, his eyes dancing with mischief. “What are you fuckers glaring at? The Kavarits are cool as fuck. I invited them to the first Games match. They played on the Zong Zi… Zow Zeeng… oh, fuck it. That U&M team.”
Chess and I exchange an irritable glance as our brother bounces around, but the cheetah speaks first. “Zhuanxíng, Fitz. But you were close this time.”
“Yeah, that. High school only, but they seem pretty cool. You said we need more friends, right? Why are the two of you still acting like you have lemons shoved in your asses?”