Page 42 of In Prey We Trust
“She admitted you had a rough transition to your animal, and that she was constantly disappointed in your inability to handle challenges thrown at you during your first year as a college student. By the time we finished speaking, she agreed with my assessment that you should have two counseling sessions a week with me until I feel you’ve worked through your issues.” Her smug smile makes my stomach turn, but I don’t even blink.
I nod and tilt my head. “When will these sessions be scheduled? My schedule is quite full and my mother expects me to excel in every aspect of my school work. I cannot allow something as trivial as ‘therapy’ to derail my achievements here.”
Keep it frosty, Dolly. Don’t let her know how angry you are.
“I’m adding them to your schedule for the first semester now, but I see space Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. You will be here on time, ready to work on your self-centered delusions, and we will resolve your needless hatred for the people who are simply trying to make you a better person despite your… handicap.” Her smile is bright and friendly, but I can see the malevolent glee under it. It’s tinged with some sort of eagerness as well and I don’t understand it. “We will also discuss your narcissism and how it’s led to the nymphomania you’re engaged in. Talking about this aberrance in great detail will help me understand how to fix your broken mind.”
Suddenly, I get what’s happening. My eyes dart to the decor and then back to the vulture smiling at me as if she cares deeply for my well being. This is all a trap, and it wasn’t set by the Heathers or Lucille. No, the scavenger sitting in front of me forged this steel cage, and it benefits her more than anyone who lent their hands to building it. Coach Rockland knew the moment the Heathers visited her to spew their bullshit that she could force me to come spill my guts to her if she embarrassed the great Lucille Drew enough. Lucille played into her hand expertly and now she’s got an unwilling captive to mine ideas for her fucking books.
As soon as she’s done scraping everything she can out of me, she’ll declare I’m miraculously cured, no doubt.
I don’t let her know I’ve figured out her play, nor do I show one ounce of emotion. “I appreciate you working with my schedule and calling me into your office to explain the situation. Is that all you need from me today, Coach?”
“Oh, my. You should call me ‘doctor’ while we’re in session, Delores. I am the one tasked with making you a presentable member of our society, after all. Your repaired image will all be because of my hard work and talent. I cannot wait to write up the specifics for a book.”
My eyes narrow for a second, but I get it under wraps. Like hell she’s going to use my misfortune and hard work to profit. “As far as I’ve been told, ma’am, you’re not a doctor of any kind. I wouldn’t feel comfortable giving credence to a false narrative simply to enhance your self-worth. I’ll stick to Coach, thank you.”
Despite my even tone and unreadable expression, Rockland doesn’t take my declaration well. Her cheery facade snaps, revealing the darkness lurking under it as she glares at me. “We will see about that, Miss Drew. I am the one in charge; I have more sway than you. If it takes more strident methods to get you under control, I won’t hesitate to use them.”
“Last year, I learned to accept that I cannot control the actions of others, only my response to them. If you choose to employ less savory efforts to curb my free will, I cannot guarantee what damage that might do to you in the long run. But threatening me won’t do much—my mother is far superior in that arena and I know she will follow through.” Rising to my feet, I pick up my bag with one hand and push the emergency button on my phone screen with the other. “If that’s all, I have homework to attend to.”
She slams her palm on the handle of the treadmill, stopping it to jump off and advance towards me. Vultures are carrion eaters and looked down upon by almost all preds, so I know I have a tactical advantage if she attacks. I may be prey, but they trained me to be a pred, so I won’t pull my punches if it’s defending myself. But she doesn’t come close enough to get physical—instead, she pauses at the edge of her desk with a cunning grin.
“Miss Drew, you’ll find I don’t threaten anyone. I make promises and I offer my sincere help to those who need it… like you. You needn’t fear my sessions; no, use them to become a better version of the lowly prey animal you turned out to be. With my help, you’ll rise to a modicum of respect in line with what you deserve.”
Don’t react, Dolly. She wants you to attack her so she can call you crazy. Reel it in, bunny rabbit.
Before I can respond, the door pops open and I see Fitz’s glowing eyes and a toothy grin. He looks as if he’s barely controlling the crazy as he clears his throat. “Ah, there you are, Miss Drew! They have sent me to fetch you by Coach Zhenga for a Games strategy session. Forgive me, Coach, as I must steal her away.”
I look at him, then the nasty counselor, my eyes suspicious. Why is he talking like a fucking butler in an Agatha Christie movie? The whole thing is weird, but he definitely got my distress call and he’s trying to save me, so I nod. “Absolutely, Professor Khan. We were finished here, anyway.”
“Oh, please. As if it’s not well known this girl is sleeping around with half the staff, including you,” Rockland says, waving her hand. “You have no right to end my meeting before I say it’s done.”
Fitz’s grin widens, and the psycho fills his eyes as he steps further into the room. “Thank fuck. I was already tired of pretending to be nice.” He cracks his neck and steps closer to the vulture, his expression more menacing than before. “Since you know, I can make it crystal clear that Dolly is our girl, just like Chess is our cheetah. If you so much as wear a perfume that bothers them, I’ll take great delight in plucking every one of your feathers individually before roasting you on a spit to feed to the reptiles. And since that sort of thing was my job for the ambush, I am skilled at making it last for weeks.”
Rockland arches a brow, but I can almost taste the fear in the air. I take Fitz’s hand, giving her a big fake smile, and follow him out the door without another word.
I’ve won this round, even if I don’t know what the next holds.
If my baby girl hadn’t put the kibosh on killing people before we know what their game is, I would have strangled that corpse nibbling bitch with my bare hands. I can tell whatever she said has Dolly shaken because the icy exterior she erected hasn’t melted and we’re halfway through the tunnel. Her posture is ramrod straight and the grip she has on my hand would make a lesser pred cry.
But I’m not a lesser pred and if she needs to crush my hand bones for a couple hours, I’ll live. It won’t be the first time it’s happened.
“Baby Girl…” I start, but she shakes her head emphatically.
“Not here.”
My brow arches, but I catch her looking around furtively. She believes it’s possible there’s surveillance in this stupid tube and honestly, she’s probably right. I would have thought of that myself—hello, hacker—but I’m so fucking angry about her being upset that it’s clouding my brain box.
“I just wanted to ask about your first day. I can see it went very well, though.” That almost gets a laugh out of her and I beam.
“Yes, it was quite pleasant,” she lies. “Capital Prep is an excellent school.”
If anyone believes that horseshit, I’ve got a swamp in Florida to sell them.