Page 5 of In Prey We Trust
“When are you leaving for campus?” I blurt, scratching my head sheepishly when the other two give me odd looks. “I miss you, baby girl.”
Nope. Didn’t seem suspicious at all. No one has a clue I know a big ass secret now.
“Well, funny story about that…”
Wish You Were Here
“ I literally just found out from Cori and Rufus that we’re not going back to Apex. I guess Lucille didn’t feel the need to share anything with me until next week when I pack up? Shit, I don’t know, maybe not even then. She’d find it funny if I showed up at the wrong fucking place and had to drive like a maniac to get to D.C. in time.”
Every one of my guys is silent for a moment, but I can tell they’re waiting for something. Then, as if planned, Fitz loses his shit. “I’m going to flay that bitch alive and serve her in the cafeteria.”
Chess winces as my passionate tiger lets out a snarl of anger that only quiets when Felix gives him a stern look. “We all miss you, angel, but Fitz is antsy. His tiger is giving him fits with the forced distance.”
My lips curve and I tilt my head. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, princess,” Felix says as he leans in closer. “I’ve known this idiot since the womb, and I don’t think he’s ever been this edgy, even when he was on a bender. Though he’s been even weirder since we got here today.”
I frown, trying to work out what would bother Fitz when they agreed to video chat. Usually, it makes him bounce off the walls and threaten to flash us all, so I don’t forget what his trouser snake looks like. “Fitz? Fitz? What’s going on?”
The question stops his pacing, and he leaps back over the couch, eyes wide as he looks into the camera so closely it’s jarring. “I’ve seen things. It’s messing with me.”
Felix and Chess shrug—or I think they do—behind him, so I smile encouragingly. “What things?”
“Can’t say.” His brow furrows, and he looks confused as he thinks for a moment. “Not bad, just surprised.”
Now that is very interesting.
“Mmmm. Well, maybe you should talk to Aubrey? He’s seen damn near everything over the years it feels like.” I blink and narrow my eyes. “Unless it’s a weird lump or something…in that case, go see a damn doctor.”
His eyes widen in panic, and suddenly, I feel like I know exactly why Fitz is struggling. It’s not a medical condition or a weird porn video that freaked him out. They’re calling me from Rennie and Aubrey’s new place—without the two of them present. Covering my mouth to keep from laughing, I squeeze my eyes closed as I let the humor roll over me.
Poor Fitz. He doesn’t know what to do except keep his mouth shut—which is damn near impossible for him.
“Princess, do you have any idea how the hell to calm him down? If we have to deal with this all day, I swear to Bast…”
Focusing on the tiger looking at me from a much too close camera angle, I wink. “I understand, crazypants. Just… wait for me to get there, okay? Show me how well you control your urges, and maybe I’ll give you a reward.”
Fitz pulls back, snapping into his normal persona as he gives me a fangy grin. “A reward? Oh, baby girl. You have no idea what kind of depravity I’ve been thinking up this summer…”
“I do,” Chess mutters with a smirk. “I’d set some boundaries, angel.”
“Fitzy would never do anything I’m not comfortable with, Chessie. Though, if you’d like to chaperone…” I look at him through my lashes, feeling my face get hot as I say it out loud. “Or maybe Felix has instructions for us.”
The elder twin huffs a laugh, his dark eyes dancing as he ponders my words. “I’m not sure you’re ready for that, princess.”
Jutting my chin out, I meet his eyes. “Try me, sir.”
That answer draws a growly curse from Felix, a groan from his twin, and a sharp intake of breath from Chess. I grin broadly, feeling pretty damn good about my boldness as they stare at me. Way to go, Dolly. You’re a sexual badass. Crossing my arms over my chest, I let them drool in silence until I see movement in the background.
“Hey! Is that Rennie and Aubrey?”
One by one, they blink out of their sex trance and turn to look at the last two members of my new family group as they stroll in. I have to hide my smirk as I take in Rennie’s messy hair and Aubrey’s rumpled looking shirt—especially since it’s buttoned wrong. Fitz squirms in his seat, but the others don’t seem to notice how out of character the appearances of their friends are.
Men wouldn’t notice an alligator sneaking up on them until it bit them in the ass, I swear to Hera.
“Good afternoon, bento bunny,” Aubrey rumbles with a soft smile. “It’s good to see you smiling. You’ve been rather melancholy this summer.”