Page 50 of In Prey We Trust
Which going after my mother and the Raj of Bloodstone just might.
“Regardless, that takes Rockland off the board for the moment. Thank you, Rufus,” Chess says as he puts an asterisk next to her name to note her as ‘in progress’ before continuing. “Who’s next?”
We all stare at the list on the board quietly.
Current Enemies & People To Watch
Hooded Freaks???
Student Murderer???
Apex Poisoners???
Lucille & Bruno Drew
All Heathers- Gold, Pink, Purple, Silver, Yellow
Todd and douchebags squad?? (Maybe?)
Khan Raj
Weird Smelling Person Ren Won’t Talk About
Sphinxes (Aubrey insisted.)
Plastic Cappie Mean Girls & Guys (Maybe?)
Helmut Blitzen
Carina Rockland *
Random unknown spies for either side?
Whoever is throwing shit from the sky?
“I don’t suppose ignoring the ones without a specific name or description is possible?” Cori asks. “I mean, Ru-Ru and I can help watch the Heathers, the Todd-bros, and their new rivals in classes when we see them. But some of this is too vague to follow up on.”
“No shit,” Aubrey growls. “Every time we found new clues at Apex, a body dropped or one of the minor players caused enough trouble that it distracted all of us. And the working theory I wanted to discuss is that it’s all connected in some way. Everything is happening at once now—from more demanding jobs and to classes to constant bullshit from random people who should have no skin in this game. It’s orchestrated chaos.”
Rennie beams and claps his hands. “Oh! This is my area of expertise. Chester, please flip a board to a clean side. I want to write everything in a bubble and do some shit while you all discuss.”
Chessie does as he asks, looking confused, but Aubrey waves him on. “Let him go to town. Renard is excellent at wei qi2 and this is more like that than chess.”
“You think one or both sides of this shit we’re caught in the middle of are purposefully pulling enough strings to make life chaotic so we don’t have time to look into them?” Fitz says. His brow furrows and I run my fingers through his hair as he thinks. “In a totally Psy ops wielding perspective, it makes sense. Look here so you don’t see what we’re doing there.”
“How do we combat it?” I ask impatiently. “Because, not going to lie, but I’m really tired of feeling like every minute of every day here will be scheduled to prevent some fucker from humiliating, attacking, or flunking me.”
“Isn’t that normal college?” Rufus smirks and shrugs. “The key is to chip away at it and not let the bastards grind you down. Let’s divide up the duties and we’ll make this shit our bitch.”
“Exactly. I need Fitz’s help doing some higher level tech things with my access,” my dragon says in a begrudging tone. “I think Snack Size needs help being grilled on Shifter History—more advanced than her level so that drill sergeant can’t embarrass her.”
“Oh! She has people walking her, right?” Cori claps her hands and beams. “I’ll make like twenty sets of flashcards and bring them. Anyone escorting her with have them on a ring and can quiz her as they go!”
“Nooooooooo,” I moan. “Not everywhere.”
“It frees up time, Princess. Your friend has an excellent idea because if she makes that many we can give them to the Captain’s crew.” Felix arches a brow at me, his expression reproving. “Unless you want to spend more time studying than with us?”
“Fine.” I cross my arms over my chest and Fitz peeps over my shoulder, his arms tightening on my waist. “Stop it, you big perv.” He ignores me and everyone laughs again. Assholes.