Page 62 of In Prey We Trust
This is being recorded on so many devices that it will go viral within seconds of the fight’s conclusion.
I finally stand when his eyes move to me and he strides across the ring, ignoring the ref and his hulking opponent. Leaping up to the top of the barrier, he holds on, waiting for me to approach. When I get close, he uses one hand to hold himself up and the other to grip my chin while he kisses me hard. I have to grit my teeth not to fucking swoon at how strong he is, but when I pull away, I mirror his cocky expression as I look at the crowd. He hops down, strolling over to the ref as if nothing happened, and I let out a slow, calming breath.
From that moment, it’s like everything moves in fast forward. The bets end and the match begins with a slow study of one another. The lion is gigantic for this species and much like the wolf Fitz fought at Apex, I assume he has to be juicing. It’s likely the reason he got the boot from the Leonidas’ family—they’re known for harsh penalties in the League if they catch players enhancing themselves. From the Pred Games to the Prey Bowl, they don’t allow cheating in their sports. But this guy? He’s three times as big as even a shifted male lion should be. That doesn’t stop Felix, though, because, like me, he’s using that size to his advantage. His half-shifted tiger is sleek and fast, so the lumbering dickface can’t get a good grasp on him.
Until the steroid freak gets his tail and a loud, tiger roar fills the air. Felix completes his shift within seconds, something I haven’t seen before. This is what a real alpha of the species looks like: absolutely in control of every inch of his forms with no hesitation. His body rolls and his fluid motion allows him to escape the big dude, but not without a bleeding gash on the appendage he wrenched free.
First blood makes the audience lose its mind, especially since it’s Khan blood. I know it doesn't mean shit, but they all think their champion is going to beat a future king. It’s making the tension notch up and I raise my hand indolently, not even looking around as I wait. A server appears as if by magic and I grunt over my shoulder, “Scotch. Now.”
Sounds good, right? Hopefully, I can choke this shit down without making a face.
My glass appears so quickly you’d think they teleported and I rise to walk up to the barrier as I sip it slowly. It’s expensive; I know because it’s not burning as much as I assume straight liquor should. TigerFelix sees me and a minor flash of recognition runs through his eyes as he darts forward to swipe his claws over the lion’s flank. He must approve of my act because he’s continuing his fight without pause, attacking the big cat over and over until the air is thick with bloodlust.
I let my gaze flick to where Rakoto is and I note she’s staring at my guy as he finishes his opponent with expert precision. She has to know he was holding back at first, and her expression is irritated as hell when the ref jumps in to pull TigerFelix off of their prone champ. The fight runners don’t want him killing their golden goose, despite not caring if Coach Z destroyed her opponent.
Sighing loudly, I toss back the rest of the scotch and slam my glass down in a show of anger. I want them to think I’m pouting that Felix didn’t get to murder the other cat; it’s one hundred percent how Lucille would react. Though, I’m not convinced she wouldn’t shift, jump in the ring, and do it herself if she was mad enough. It’s not out of her wheelhouse at all. Killing people is her second favorite hobby after torturing me.
“And the winner is the future king of the ambush, the Bloodstone Brawler, Felix Khan!”
When the announcer holds up his hand and he starts his victory laps, I nudge my way past the bouncer, heading for the locker room as we planned. My gaze is dark as I look at anyone who meets my eyes and they give me a wide berth when I stalk to the staff area. No one even speaks; they simply move the hell out of my way as I pass.
If this wasn’t part of Felix’s plan, it’s a hell of a side effect.
Ignoring yet another bouncer, I push open the door and stride into the room like I own the place, leaving gaping idiots in my wake. Felix isn’t here yet, so I plant myself on a bench, legs stretched out on it as I lean back. The alcohol is buzzing in my veins now, hitting the adrenaline from the fight and having a little chemical party in my brain. I’m not drunk, but I’m definitely a wee bit buzzed, so it’s good this place is empty. Watching Felix literally tear that moron apart without breaking a sweat has me worked up, especially since I know we’re doing this to piss people off.
I think my chaos loving gargoyle is rubbing off on me because I find that idea delicious.
Power Over Me
I could have ended the fight sooner, but I let it drag out for the assholes who will no doubt have this online before I towel off. The scratch on my tail is irritating, but it will heal quick enough. I shifted as soon as I was out of the view of the fans and now that I’ve shaken off the money grubbing promoters from this place, I’m headed for my true prey: Dolly.
Flinging open the door to the locker room, I stalk in, chuckling when I find her reclining on the wide bench between the lockers. Her eyes are dark and she gives me a lazy smirk that makes my cock twitch. My Princess is a blend of whip smart sarcasm and adorable naiveté—both of which make her fascinating. She’s prey raised in a pred world with no understanding of how anything works, but she’s picking it up like a prodigy. She’s fire and ice and cotton candy with zero apology for it.
I can’t get enough of it.
“That was brilliant—not to mention hot. But that was your plan, right, Sir?” she says as she sits up, placing her spiky boots on the ground. “You wanted everyone to see me being rich and unaffected so they’d think twice, especially after you tore that juicing dickhead apart?”
My lips quirk as I toss the towel aside and drop onto the bench, straddling it as I scoot closer. She leans back as I get in her space, ever the playful minx, and by the time I answer, she’s almost bent over backwards. “I did. Brilliant of you to work it out, Princess.”
Dolly snorts, her hand coming up to brush the hair out of my face. “It didn’t take a genius to figure out your plan had more than one level, Felix. The King is always looking at the whole chessboard and you are most definitely the King.”
Swooping in, I kiss her roughly and her hands wind around my neck. Her fingers bury in my hair while our tongues battle for dominance. Her aggressiveness surprises me, but I like it; it’ll make her submission that much sweeter. Teeth tug at my lower lip, just sharp enough to almost pierce it, and I growl loudly. The others weren't wrong about the bunny having a little bloodlust under her skin; the trick is keeping it from clouding her mind before she’s ready.
“Careful, Princess,” I rumble against her lips when we separate for air. “You’re being quite naughty.”
Her lips curve before she pulls away, arching her brow at me knowingly. I watch as she leans down and unzips each boot, letting the leather fall to the side. Her fingers slide under the hem of her ripped jeans and a small tab flips out. Tugging on it, she slides it upward and suddenly, the inner seams of her pants are parting like her boots.
My eyes widen. “What the hell?”
“Courtesy of Fitz, I imagine. I didn’t realize how they worked until I put them on tonight,” she chuckles, continuing to reveal skin until she reaches the apex of her thighs. She’s wearing a barely there scrap of black lace with thin straps and I groan.
Merciful Bast, this fucking girl is going to kill me.
“Turn around. Get on all fours and be still,” I growl in a low voice. “Otherwise, I’ll stop.”
Her eyes flash red briefly, but she lifts her right leg up and over us both in a move only a dancer could accomplish. I grit my teeth as I watch her slowly adjust until she’s kneeling on the wide bench with her thighs spread and her hands holding her up. Her round ass is sticking up, so I squeeze it hard enough to make her bite back a strangled sound.