Page 3 of O Holy Spite
Our girl drops her head, relinquishing that control she was so pleased with for Felix without a second thought. Chess moans as her lips slide down his length and I find a rhythm with her bobs as I thrust up into him. The only thing that tells me Felix shoved his monster cock into her is the gasp that makes my mate tighten around me. Satisfied, I push the train forward and Felix rocks back in response.
They’re caught in a Khan sandwich and neither of them is unhappy about it.
“Harder, Fitz. Rock this sweet ass into me like you mean it,” Felix says with a smirk. His hand raised and he gives me a cocky wink before he spanks our bunny firmly. The sound of groaning making Chess grind down onto me, gripping me hard enough to make my eyes cross.
“Show off,” I mutter as I move my hands to the couch for leverage and pound into my cheetah faster. The sounds he makes are enough for my balls to tighten and I whisper to him, “You ready, baby?”
His head bobs up and down against my shoulder as he grunts, “Please…”
“Princess, are you ready for his cum to spill down your throat?”
My twin is fucking her hard enough to jar her teeth and she’s making sounds I haven’t heard before as she gives Chess a blow job that almost makes me jealous. When she lifts one hand and gives him a thumbs up, I burst out laughing. Felix snorts, too, but he doubles his efforts and gives her left cheek a smack.
“Baby Girl, you and Chessie are the best meat in our sandwich, hands down.”
“And asses up.”
I snort at Felix, then shudder when I feel the wave coming. “Chessie, you may come. Give our hungry girl something to fill her.”
His hands dig into the cushions and I feel the strength of his orgasm ripple from him to me. With one final thrust, I fill his ass as my head falls back on the cushions again.
Vaguely, I hear Felix coaxing Dolly. “Come for me, sweet girl. That’s it, grip my cock. Fuck…”
She lifts her head when our cheetah finally stops spurting, making breathy sounds as Felix slams into her. A final scream of pleasure punctuates her climax, making her flush all over as Chess and I watch lazily.
This break at home for the rest of the holiday is the absolute shit.
10/10 would recommend.
Favorite Time of Year
“Seriously? We can’t leave you alone for a couple of hours without finding a pile of sweaty idiots sticking to the couch.”
Rennie’s chuckle makes me look up from under my hair, blowing strands out my eyes. I squint at him, wrinkling my nose as I pout. “Don’t be mean. We were… calming Fitz down.”
“Yeah, clearly it worked, even though it took four of you,” Aubrey snorts as he arches a brow at me. “How long have you been melted to our furniture?”
Felix grunts, peeling himself away from my back and rolling to the side. It always amazes me that none of them give a shit who’s around when they’re butt naked, despite living with ‘normal’ shifters for almost two years now. He winks at me as I stare and I duck my chin.
Sue me. I’m getting bolder but sometimes I still get blushy when it’s not mid-sexy times.
“You fuckers are just mad you weren’t here to join,” Fitz says as he yawns. “Which is your fault because you insisted on sneaking out to go do whatever the fuck you do to eat without us.”
My brows furrow as I look at them. “Are you guys… covered in snow?”
Rennie shakes himself, sending droplets and flakes flying. The cold water hits all of us on the couch, garnering grunts and whines that he soaks up like the chaos gremlin that he is. “Very perceptive, ma petite. During our flight back, the sky opened up and sent a flurry of tiny ice crystals our way. It’s still going outside, by the way.”
“How odd,” Chess says as he looks up from Fitz’s chest. “It was supposed to be cold this week, but nothing like this. I wonder if that will affect their plans to re-open by mid-January.”
The grumpy library dragon gives him a sour look. “I sincerely hope so, Chester. The attacks at the Yule Ball haven’t been properly investigated, nor resolved. Re-opening this school without figuring out how to defend the students if magic users breach the perimeter is dangerous. Right now, everyone is locked up and on high alert. When classes resume, that won’t be the case.”
My lips curve up as something occurs to me. “Maybe they’ll leave us until the end of the month. I could definitely enjoy a month of time with you guys.”
Fitz reaches out, yanking me across his body with a low growl. “Good thing I got the Spicy Salamander that Kama Sutra-A-Day calendar for Yule. We can use it to plan a whole month of fun.”
I look around, but all I see are interested expressions. “Guys, I will not survive thirty days of all five of you trying to bend me like a pretzel. Don’t be ridiculous.” Even Aubrey pouts and I have to cover my giggle. “Besides, we don’t have nearly enough lube for that. I mean, like not even close.”