Page 91 of Heir
“What’s going on with The Count over there?” Gemma asked, referring to the fire ropes wrapped around Drak. “Did he misbehave and now he’s in a magical timeout?”
“You could say that,” I murmured, still a little shaken from hearing Drak’s thoughts.
Gemma set down her purse and a fabric shopping bag on the counter. She came to me and rubbed my back. “How are you doing?”
I exhaled and leaned my head against hers. “Been better. I’ll admit that much. But more importantly, how are you after last night?”
She wrinkled her nose. “I woke up with a migraine.”
“But I took some Tylenol and drank a lot of water. Then more water, then took some electrolytes, and even though it’s better, the headache is still there.”
“Go lay down then. I hate that this happened to you.”
She nodded, appearing more exhausted and in pain than when she initially walked in. “I stopped and bought your favorite gelato on my way home. Don’t let it melt. Put it in the freezer.” She pointed at the shopping bag.
“You’re the best,” I said, kissing her on the temple before shooing her off to her room.
I followed her and helped her climb into bed. Then I brought her more Tylenol and Advil too, along with some water, and waited until she took the pills. I closed the blinds in her room, grabbed her some earplugs and once she was all tucked into bed, I kissed her forehead and left.
I was nearly at the door when I heard her voice.
I hope I’m okay. I really hope this isn’t a sign of my brain slowly bleeding and killing me. I don’t want to lose Omaera. I don’t want to lose her to those men. To lose her, or die. I don’t want to feel like this. I’m scared.
I rushed back to her side. “You’re not going to lose me. You’re going to be okay.”
She stirred. “Hmm?”
Oh, god. I was hearing her fears just like I’d heard Drak’s.
I kissed her head again, then slowly left, sicker than ever that my best friend was so scared and all because of me.
The shopping bag was empty when I returned to the kitchen. “Who touched the gelato?” I asked, regretting my accusatory tone.
“I put it in the freezer,” Zandren said. “So it didn’t melt.” He got up from his spot on the couch and approached me, picking up the mug of coffee and handing it to me. “Drink this. It was made with love.”
Smirking, I took a sip. Goddammit, it was good. Closing my eyes, I moaned. “Fuck.”
The same purring sound as when we were in the woods together rumbled, and I opened my eyes to find Zandren staring down at me, grinning. “You take care of everyone else. Let someone take care of you.”
My smile was small and fake as I nodded at him. “I’ll try.”
“Maxar went out to get dinner. He needed a break from babysitting. But I need you to keep me company so I don’t haul off and murder the vampire here. He’s making it difficult not to just bite his head off.”
“I haven’t said a word to you, shifter,” Drak said with his educated, arrogant tone.
“Yeah, but your face is saying so many things,” Zandren countered.
I rolled my eyes. “All right. That’s enough.” I took another sip of my coffee and moaned again.
“That’s the best sound in the world, Little One,” Zandren murmured. “At least so far. I’m guessing the noises you make during sex are even better.”
My cheeks caught fire, and I glanced anywhere and everywhere but at the big bear staring at me. I cleared my throat. “I um . . . how about we work on some mind power stuff?”
Zandren snickered. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”
“I want to try to infiltrate your thoughts and manipulate you. I also want Drak to piss me off—”