Page 102 of Craving Cooper
Mr. Carpenter comes out of the surgery, talking over his shoulder, and I’m relieved to see it’s Cooper who’s accompanying him. He hasn’t done that so far today, because he’s been so busy, but he’s clearly decided to make the time, and as his four o’clock appointment hasn’t arrived yet, he probably has a point.
“I’ll have to call to make my next appointment,” Mr. Carpenter says, stopping by my desk. “I didn’t bring my diary with me.”
He’s of an age where his diary is probably still in paper form, rather than on his phone, and I smile up at him, nodding my head.
“That’s fine.”
He thanks Cooper, then bids us both goodbye, before striding to the door, and the moment it’s closed, Cooper turns to me.
“What happened about the woman who phoned earlier?” he asks.
“She’s coming at five.”
He sighs, shaking his head, and now he’s removed his surgical mask, I can see his disappointment. “I was hoping to finish early tonight. I’ve been worried about you.”
“Because you don’t feel safe anymore, do you?”
I sigh, leaning forward. “No, I don’t. But I love that you worked it out without me having to tell you.”
“Of course I did. I just wish I had time to convince you that you’re wrong.”
“Am I?”
“Yes. Because I will keep you safe. No matter what’s happened in the past, nothing can hurt you now. I promise.”
I wish he could hold me in his arms and say that all over again… but at that precise moment, the door opens and his next patient comes in, along with a gust of wind.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she says, closing the door again. “It’s just started to rain and the wind’s picked up.”
As she’s speaking, she shrugs off her coat, hooking it up on the coat stand by the door before shaking out her graying hair.
Cooper takes the chance and leans in even closer. “We’ll talk later,” he says, giving me a smile, and I nod my head as he stands up, stepping away. “You’re not late at all, Mrs. Craig.” He waits for her to join him, and shows her into the surgery, the two of them discussing the weather as he shuts the door.
“You need to go.” Cooper opens the clinic door, ushering Greta out of it. “You’re gonna be late for your appointment.”
“I know, but…”
“But nothing. I’ll manage.” He shoos her away with a wave of his hand, and she rushes to the lunchroom, returning within moments.
She’s still wearing her scrubs, which is unusual for Greta, but I guess she doesn’t have time to change, and she hurries to the door, waving over her shoulder and calling out, “Have a good weekend,” as it closes. As far as I’m aware, she has no idea I’m moving in with Cooper, but she’ll find out soon enough… as will everyone else in Hart’s Creek, I’m sure.
“That was a whirlwind,” I say, turning to Cooper, who’s still standing by the door to his surgery.
“It was.” He comes over, standing on the other side of my desk and looking down at me. “Is there no sign of this woman yet?”
“Miss Pollock? No.”
It’s already a couple of minutes after five and a part of me hopes she won’t make it, and we can go upstairs, and just forget about everything and everyone else… except us.
“Are you still feeling unsafe?” he says, leaning over.
“I’ll feel a lot better when we’re upstairs and alone.”
“So will I.” There’s a tease to his voice and a twinkle in his eyes that makes me smile, although it quickly fades, and Cooper clearly notices, coming around my desk and crouching beside me. “What’s wrong?” he says.
“Nothing… it’s just that I hate myself for being so pathetic over a phone call you didn’t even take.”