Page 18 of Craving Cooper
I don’t think he’s noticed the fact that I can’t take my eyes off of him. He certainly hasn’t said anything, and I have to say, he’s been quite attentive himself. Not that I’m reading anything into that. He’s only doing it because I work for him, and these are his friends. It’s a natural way to behave. But I’ve noticed how relaxed he is around Brady. I guess that’s to be expected, but it was good to see him unwind like he has today. Work can get pretty intense at times, and his personal life seems to be fraught with arguments – well, sex and arguments – based on what I get to hear from my apartment. So, I think it did him good to be himself.
I’ve enjoyed it too, even if it has been hard work, but I’ll admit I’m relieved when everything is unloaded, the beds are made, the kitchen is vaguely organized, Addy’s playing happily with her toys, and we can all take a breather.
“Let’s order in from Archer’s place, shall we?” Laurel says. “I’d planned to barbecue something, but I’m too tired to even think about cooking.”
“Good idea.” Brady seems to agree and Cooper’s nodding his head, both of them turning to me.
“Archer’s place?”
We’re sitting on the two enormous couches in their living area. These are Brady’s, but they’re not overly masculine. They’re covered in pale gray leather, and are very comfortable to sit in, and although the furniture probably isn’t arranged how they’d like it, I can see the appeal of this place. It’s open-plan, with the addition of a sunroom at the back, which is where Addy’s playroom is clearly going to be. Most of her toys are still packed away in boxes, but she seems happy enough with the dolls she’s found, and is sitting on the floor, mumbling to herself.
“Yes.” Cooper’s right beside me and he turns, tilting his head to one side. “You know? The French restaurant next door to the clinic.”
“Oh.” I feel foolish now for not realizing. “Is that owned by someone called Archer?”
“Yes,” Brady says, smiling across at me. “Archer Steel. He’s not a native of Hart’s Creek, but we’re getting used to him.” There’s something friendly in his eyes, which suggests they might be getting used to me, too, and I smile back, even though I’m panicking on the inside.
It appears the decision has been made, and I can hardly say ‘no’… especially when Brady gets up and goes to fetch his phone from the island unit that separates the dining area from the kitchen, while Laurel follows him.
“We’ve got some beer and wine in the refrigerator,” she says, pausing by Brady, the two of them embracing, and gazing through to the sunroom at Addy. They’re clearly thrilled to be here, and while that’s lovely to see, I’m getting more and more anxious by the second. What can I do? What can I say?
“Is something wrong?” Cooper’s voice is a mere whisper, but it makes me jump and I turn to see him gazing down at me.
“Um… no. I mean yes…”
“Which is it?”
I stare into his molten brown eyes and realize there’s no point in trying to hide the truth. “I don’t have my purse with me,” I murmur, keeping my voice low.
“Your purse? Why do you need your purse?”
“Because it has cash and credit cards in it.”
“And you need those…?”
“To pay for dinner.” I would have thought that was obvious, although his smile surprises me.
“You seriously think anyone here is gonna expect you to pay for your own dinner, after everything you’ve done today?” He shakes his head, still smiling. “Believe me… it’s covered.”
“Absolutely. Stop looking so worried.”
I let out a sigh, just as Brady comes back over, handing me his phone and telling me to choose anything I want.
“You’ve earned it,” he says, going back out to the kitchen to help Laurel with the drinks.
“See?” Cooper says, leaning in to me and making my breath catch in my throat. “Told you so.”
I can’t help giggling and although he seems to tense, his muscles stiffening, I ignore that for a second and focus on the menu. It’s confusing to start with. There’s a lot to choose from and I’m not used to this kind of fine dining, but because it’s online, they’ve simplified it, using tick boxes and I just find something that sounds appealing, ignoring everything else… except for the perfect man beside me.
Dinner was superb. I chose the halibut, which was served with a risotto of chorizo, and clams. It tasted every bit as good as it looked and smelled, but so did everyone else’s meal… including Addy’s. Hers was evidently a toned-down version of the chicken dish they usually offer, served with gravy instead of a creamy white wine sauce, and accompanied by honey roasted carrots and green beans. It was something Brady had requested specially, and Archer had been happy to oblige.
We found enough plates and silverware, and Laurel had already unpacked the glasses, so we sat at the table, taking our time and relaxing over our food.
“Have you seen any episodes of McKenna’s Mill?” Brady asked, tucking into his duck.
“Not yet,” Cooper said, and Brady looked at me.