Page 66 of Craving Cooper
“You already said that.”
“I know, but that was about dinner.”
“And this is about…?”
“This is about your kisses… and your words,” I say, raising our joined hands and kissing his fingers. I hear him groan and look up to see him staring down at me, his eyes on fire. I’m tempted to ask him to stay again, but I want to do this right, too, so I let our hands fall, smiling at the disappointment etched on his face.
“I’d better go,” he says, stepping back. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
I nod my head. “Sleep well.”
“I think I might.” He smiles down at me, moving away, until our hands slide apart. With one last look, he turns and heads down the stairs, while I stand and stare, struggling to breathe. “Are you still there?” he calls, his voice a distant echo from the floor below.
“Then let yourself into your apartment. Drink some water before you go to bed, and get a good night’s sleep.”
“Goodnight, Mallory.”
“Goodnight, Cooper.”
I chuckle and hear him do the same as I turn and open the door to my apartment. Once inside, I lean back against it, letting out a sigh.
What a night.
I’d have loved to stand there and re-live my evening with Cooper… especially the last part of it. But I didn’t get the chance. Saffron had other ideas, and feeding her was the most important of them.
It didn’t take me long to do that, though, and once I had, I poured myself a glass of water, remembering Cooper’s instructions, and smiling while I drank it. I was surprised by how thirsty I was, and by how he’d have known I would be, and poured another glass, carrying it over to my bed, where I set it down on the nightstand, and quickly undressed, climbing under the covers.
My body was still humming with need, and although I contemplated my vibrator, I decided against it. I might have wanted to come, but I wanted my next orgasm to be with Cooper, and I didn’t think I’d have to wait too long…
Getting to sleep was more difficult than I expected. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the things Cooper and I could have been doing together… wondering how he’d react if I crept downstairs and knocked on his door in the middle of the night. I didn’t think he’d mind… especially if I didn’t put any clothes on, and I imagined the look on his face.
It must have been that thought which eventually sent me off to sleep, because when I wake, I’m feeling even more needy than I did last night. I crave his touch, and even though it’s only just gone six, I feel too restless to lie in bed for another forty-five minutes. All I’ll do is think about how empty my bed feels without Cooper in it. I may as well get up and start the day.
I swing my feet around, sitting up on the edge of the mattress, just as my phone beeps. I left it in my purse last night, and I wander over to the kitchen, delving inside and pulling it out, my heart skipping a beat when I see I’ve got a message from Cooper. It’s the first time he’s used my number since I started working here, and he only has it because we talked over the phone before I had my interview. I saved his details, and I guess the fact that he’s messaging me at this time of the morning means he must have saved mine, too.
I lean back against the countertop, letting out a sigh as I read…
— Good morning. I hope you slept okay. x
The message might be short, but it’s cute. It’s the kind of thing boyfriends do… or that you read about boyfriends doing. I’m not sure I should be thinking of him like that yet, but after the way he kissed me last night, and all the things he said to me, how else am I supposed to think of him?
I try to work out how to reply. I can hardly say I slept well, because I didn’t, but I don’t want him to think it’s a problem, so in the end I decide on teasing… or flirting. Or both.
— I didn’t sleep as well as I’d hoped. There was something missing. x
— Oh? What was that?
I gasp, surprised by his immediate response, and I imagine him lying in bed, or sitting in his living room, his phone in his hand, awaiting my answers… I hope.
— You. x
— Nice to know I wasn’t alone. I missed you, too. x
I smile, biting on my bottom lip.