Page 14 of The Afterthought
"You were nice about it? We spent years together, and you fucking crushed me."
"I was nice about it, Ava. Get the fuck out of my town."
"I can't," I admit. "Trust me. This is the last place I want to be, but I'm stuck here for the time being. Now, get the fuck off me before I scream."
He leans in with a sadistic smile. "People around here are used to me making people scream."
He frees me from his grasp, and I fall to the ground. My twisted ankle wasn't anticipating the added pressure. It's nothing serious. I'm able to stand up after a few moments, although it still hurts. When I look around to tell him off, I notice he has disappeared, just like he did when I followed him here earlier. I'm left here staring out at the empty space, thinking the same thing I thought all those years ago—fuck Greyson Hayes.
Chapter 8
Kai was right. This party is exactly what I need to get my mind straight and unwind. Out of all the people to run into today at the park, it had to be fucking Ava. She really needs to keep her nose out of my business and get the fuck out of Dune Valley. Luckily, I had already met with the client and passed the drugs along to him. I was extremely surprised to find out his true identity.
I flip open my lighter and close it over and over again, watching the flame light and then extinguish. Why did she have to go and dye her hair the perfect shade of flaming orange? When I noticed someone following me, I never would have guessed it was her. I expected her to stay as far away from me as possible, not seek me out.
She was turned away from me, so I didn't see her face until she called out my name, and I turned her around against the tree. It was the hair that drew me in. I've never seen a girl with hair as close to my favorite shade of fire.
She looked so much different than the way she did before. She has a hard exterior to her now, like life hasn't exactly been kind to her. I guess I'm partially to blame, but I don't give a fuck. She was angry, and that's how I need her to stay so she will leave.
I still have no clue why the fuck she decided to come back here. Her mother is dead, and the only person she has left in this town is Wrenly, who, at the moment, is conveniently across the room, throwing herself all over Kai. I shake my head. That right there is a disastrous match.
The music pounds through the speakers, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I finish my beer and slip through the sliding glass door in my living room to the backyard. I need to get to the keg to fill my cup. A group of gang sluts hang off to the side of one of the kegs. Great, just what I need to deal with tonight.
The gang sluts are what we like to call the women who show up to all the parties with the clear hopes of getting with one of us. In their minds, if they fuck us, then it's an easy way for them to get their hands on some drugs or find themselves a quick baby daddy. Some of the guys are dumb enough to fall for it, but when I need to get my dick wet, the last place I'll be sticking it is in a gang slut.
I step around them to get to the keg, but one of them steps into me. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you."
I eye her up and down, slightly annoyed at her tactic to try and get me to talk to her. "Get the fuck out of my way."
"Well, that's no way to talk to a lady." She attempts to place her hand on my arm. I pull away from her before she gets the chance.
"If you were a lady, you wouldn't be desperately trying to get me to give you attention. Now get the fuck out of my way before I have you removed from MY house," I say, watching as her eyes almost bulge out of her skull. She steps to the side, telling me how sorry she is blah, blah, blah. I really don't give a flying fuck.
The sound of laughter has me turning my head to the round table with chairs set up around it. Two younger girls sit on one side of the table, and two younger guys on the other. I only recognize three out of the four of them.
One of the two younger guys has been running with us for a few years now. I think he is the younger sibling of someone in the crew. The other younger guy has been around for a few months. He is dating one of the younger girls—the blonde one, who also happens to be the Sheriff's daughter, Andrea. I've told them countless times not to let her over here. She's going to stir up trouble I have no interest in. The other girl is one that I haven't seen before. Her auburn hair shines in the light, and she looks familiar. She reminds me of someone, but I can't for the life of me place who.
The girl I don’t know gets up and walks over to me, pointing in the direction of the gang sluts. "They just have absolutely no shame, do they?"
I raise my brow, curious as to where she plans to take this conversation. She is clearly underage, and I have no desire to be her trophy for the night. I'm not into younger girls.
"They try every time," I say as I reach for the keg’s tap. All I want to do is get a drink, but people feel the need to keep bothering me. What part of my face tells them I want to be approached right now?
"They must not know who you are," she states plainly while holding out her cup for me to fill it up.
"You're underage," I say, pushing her hand with the cup away. "Besides, what do you know about who I am?"
"I know you're Greyson Hayes and that you own this house. I also know you run most of this town. Knox is the boss, but people look up to you. You're highly respected. I'm Chloe, by the way," she states, proud of herself for knowing.
"And why does a little girl like you know all of these things?" I ask her.
"Oh, uh, my boyfriend, Matt, he's been running with the crew," she says, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Again, I get the strange feeling that I know her from somewhere. She looks so damn familiar.
"Yeah, well, tell Matt he needs to keep his bitch on a leash." I reach out and grab the cup from her. "I don't know who gave you this, but if you're underage, you don't drink at my house." The look of shock on her face doesn't go unnoticed.
I march over to the table where the rest of the group of underaged assholes sit and grab the cups from each of their hands too.