Page 52 of The Afterthought
I'm not sure where he would stand regarding me researching something that could potentially involve the Crimson Rose. I know he said that he's all in with me and that he doesn't plan to let me go, but again, I'm circling back to his gang presence. Do I come before the Crimson Rose now?
Just when I'm starting to feel like I'm at a standstill with this, my phone pings with a message from Barrett regarding the video footage. There’s a reason he is the best at what he does. He’s so fucking quick. Several files are attached, so I find my laptop to view them more clearly.
The first video I pull up shocks me to my core. It's the outside of Gary's workplace. The tall building has cameras in the main lobby area that show a tiny glimpse of the front of the building. A vehicle pulls up. To anyone else, it would look like a normal car service, but when the person comes into view, my heart stops.
He's disguised well enough that he wouldn't look suspicious, but I know Greyson when I see him. This is definitely Greyson opening the door for Gary Myers and then driving him away. I don't bother watching the rest of the videos. They don't matter. I already know Grey is involved. I'm going to ask him what he knows. If he wants a future with me, he better be honest about it. I'm not sure what I’m going to say to Mrs. Myers. That is all going to depend on what Grey tells me.
I sigh, slamming my laptop closed. The one job that I take while being back in this town has to be connected to my boyfriend. I pause. Did I just refer to him as my boyfriend? Shit. That's what he is, though. Greyson Hayes is my boyfriend. Fuck.
I check the time on my phone and notice that it's getting close to when Chloe comes home from school. How did I manage to waste the entire morning away? She only had a half day today because she's a senior, and all of her finals are already complete. It’s hard to believe she graduates next week. I'm so damn proud of her.
I've been trying to spend as much time with her as possible lately, and we've really gotten to know each other. I knew she liked 80s music, but I didn't realize how much. It's a lot. I mean a lot. It's so strange for someone her age to like that kind of music, but it connects her to her mom. I admire that she's found a bit of peace from listening to it. My only request was for her to not play that song. I didn't tell her why, and she never asked, but she agreed.
I've caught her crying a time or two. She's started letting me sit with her in her room to talk through what upsets her. It's almost always triggered by seeing something that reminds her of her mom. It's been a little rough for her with graduation getting so close and her mom not being there for it.
Tonight, we are going to do something a bit different. She asked if I would take her to a small field outside of town to plant a tree with her in memory of her mom. They used to go there together to star gaze. She told me that a few months before her mom passed away, she told her that anytime she felt like she was sad or alone, she should look up to the stars because that's where she would be. A bright star shining down on her.
Even the thought of that conversation makes tears well up in my eyes. Her mom gave her the comfort of that memory. I'll do whatever I can to help Chloe honor it. We went out yesterday and got a tree to plant. Nothing special, just a small oak tree that will grow to be big and strong. It will be a place for her to go back to any time she wants to connect with her mom. I think it's special, and I'm honored to be able to do this with her.
I pull out my phone to send a quick text to Grey because if I've learned anything from Chloe, it's that I need to be better at living in the moment and appreciating the people I have.
Me: Hey
Grey: Hey baby, everything okay?
Me: I just miss you a little and wanted you to know.
Grey: Yeah?
Me: Don't let it go to your head.
Grey: Too late for that. It's gone to my now inflated head.
Grey: Both of them.
Me: You're insufferable.
Grey: Only the best for you, little shadow.
I can already picture the stupid grin I know is spread across his face. It makes me smile. The front door opens, and Chloe flips off her shoes. She makes a show of tossing her backpack on the couch before flopping down next to it.
"You okay?" I ask.
"I'm fine. Let's just go get this over with." Her eyes are red and puffy like she has been crying. I'm fairly sure she's being defensive and irritable because she's emotional about this. I get it.
I walk over and sit next to her on the couch. "We don't have to do this today if you aren't comfortable. This is completely up to you." Her head sags, and she fiddles with her fingers. "Just know that I will be here for you, whatever you decide."
"I haven't been back there since she died. What if going there without her doesn't feel the same?"
My heart breaks for her. I reach out to touch her hand, and she looks up at me. "That place the two of you shared, it's a gift, Chloe. I know you're scared, and I will be right by your side, but I really think when you go, you will feel more connected with your mom than you have in weeks."
"You're right. This is dumb. I'm sorry, I just don't know what's going on with my head."
"It's not dumb. You're still grieving. It's completely normal." I reassure her.
She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and nods her head. "Okay, let me go change, and then we can go." She eyes up my outfit. "You're not wearing that, are you?"
It makes me chuckle. "I was going to, but I don't have to."