Page 3 of Saving Her
“Everything,” he confirms with a shrug. “Thought King would like to help them to get revenge on you.”
“Why wasn’t I warned?”
“We just found out late last night. I was calling you today to set up the meeting, but then you called about the kidnapping.”
“When’s the last time you spoke with this King?” Skull asks.
I just keep staring at T. My head is all over the place. It feels as if I’m in quicksand and I’m slowly drowning. I need my woman home. That’s all I can think about—all I can concentrate on. I need her home, safe and somewhere where I can touch her myself and make sure she’s okay.
“A few hours ago. The Ferals have him jumping through hoops. King knows they’re testing his loyalty.”
“Has he seen Nicole?”
“And my daughter? You keep forgetting her, Dragon!” Skull growls.
I rub the back of my neck and look at Skull. “I’m not forgetting. If I had, I wouldn’t have called you to begin with,” I snarl.
“It’s your fault she was taken!”
“Bullshit!” Dom growls. “Your daughter has been playing me and T as fools l for years. She was here because she didn’t want you, or any of your club, to find out she was trying to get pregnant. She was trying to trap me into believing the baby was mine.”
“You son of a bitch. Spreading lies on my hija. Debería destriparte como a un pez.”
“You touch my son and you’ll be on my list right beneath Eyeball and his assclown posse,” I growl.
Dom thrusts a folder into Skull’s chest. I didn’t even realize he was carrying one. When Skull doesn’t grab it, he shoves it harder, making it crumble in on itself. “Here, read all about your daughter’s twisted plan and if you ever threaten me or anyone belonging to me, I will be the one to gut you, old man.”
“Dom,” I murmur, feeling pride, but knowing I need to call him down. Right now, everything is about his mother. My world.
Dom steps back, nodding at me, fury running through every inch of him. I can see it, because that’s exactly how I feel.
“You expect me to sit on my damn ass while I wait for a man who doesn’t even like me—has every reason to hate me and my woman? Not happening,” I growl at both T and Ford.
“You n-need to at least give him a couple of days to f-find a way to get Mom and G-G-Gabby in an area we can reach them easier. He’ll d-do that, Dad.”
I look up at my son. He’s doing so much better. He’s flourishing, and it’s clear that he has complete faith in King. Fuck, I’m not even sure how I feel about the man’s existence. I know none of this is his fault. It lies on my shoulders. Doesn’t make it a damn bit easier to swallow. It makes it worse.
“I want their exact location now. Me, Skull, and our crews will go down there and be in place. The rest of you can follow. If you’re not there in two days, I’ll consider our alliance void. Breaker, make sure the rest of our chapters know where we are and when they need to be there.”
“I’m not cutting you out, T. If you want to be there, ride with us. If not, come with your crew. We’ll give King one day. That will get us settled down there. I’ll take stock of the situation when I’m there, but if you think for one second that I’m going to let my woman stay in those fuckers’ hands, you’ve been away from home too long, T.”
My boy frowns, shakes his head, but answers, “I’m going with you.”
I nod, feeling a bit of relief that he agreed. I wasn’t sure. I turn and look at Ford. The man looks resigned. “You’d be doing the same if the woman was yours or Lyla was involved.”
He nods. “I’ll be in touch.”
I walk away and jump on my bike. We hit the road, and I can’t even enjoy the fact that my two boys are riding side by side, right behind me. My mind is too consumed with gut-wrenching terror. I can barely breathe. I’ve only felt fear like this three times in my life. Once when I thought Nicole was going to die, and then when I thought she was walking away from me when Dom was born. The third was when she left me and took my kids to Tennessee. I knew I wouldn’t let her go, so the fear was different—but just as suffocating. I would have locked her in the clubhouse and refused to let her leave until she submitted if I needed to. Still, I know my woman, and the only time she submits is when she’s taking my dick. Nicole has always been lightning in a bottle. Deadly and combustible, yet beautiful and full of energy.
I’m missing her so badly I ache.
“Hang on, Mama. I’m coming,” I whisper to the wind, praying that somehow, she hears me and knows I’m going to get to her.
I just need her to hold on.
Chapter 3